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Craig Sawyers

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Craig Sawyers last won the day on November 24 2024

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About Craig Sawyers

  • Birthday 03/02/1956

Profile Information

  • Location
    Oxford UK
  • Gender


  • Location
    Oxford UK
  • Interests
  • Occupation
    www.tech-enterprise.com , LinkedIn profile
  • Hobbies
    Copious squared
  • Headphones
    Stax Lamdas, SR007Mk2 DT990, K701, Etymotic FR4P, Old Koss ESP9
  • Headphone Amps
    KG Triode, Dyna-something, KG BH, T2 clone completed and sounding stunning
  • Sources
    Meridian and Cambridge Audio CD, Garrard 401/SMEIV/Zu DL103, Logitech Transporter, Khozmo balanced passive pre
  • Other Audio Gear
    Linkwitz LX521.4 speakers

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Super Secret Ultra Gold Member

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  1. Classic special effects movie, with an impossibly young looking Leslie Nielsen. Loosely based on Shakespeare's play The Tempest.
  2. Went to see this yesterday https://trh.co.uk/whatson/the-score/ . Amazing production.
  3. I had a pair of ESP6's in the late 70's. Glorious sound, heavy (because of the transformer and voltage multiplier in each cup) and sweaty because of the fluid filled cups. And needs to be connected to the loudspeaker output of a power amp. I could just about survive a side of a record, and then a break to let my head recover.
  4. Woah - how did I miss this? Very happy belated Nate!!
  5. Have a great woody day Steve! Happy birthday from the other side of the pond!!
  6. That is an impressive device! And cheap as chips at UKP 0.38 (although it is very similar in USD or Euro now) from Mouser in one off.
  7. Or even the DXTP560BP5 . PNP, 500V, 150mA and 2.8W Surface mount of course....
  8. Any thoughts on the PZTA96ST1G ? Surface mount SOT223, PNP, 450V and 500mA. Downside is 1.5W power dissipation. At least the darned thing is still available
  9. KSA1156 is of course obsolete, alas. OnSemi seem hell bent on obsoleting anything remotely useful from the inventory of companies they acquired. If it does not go in a mobile phone, flat screen TV, PC or car or anything with huge volume, they lose interest real fast. Any that are on eBay are >90% fakes
  10. The bizarre thing with the Sanyo datasheet in the subject line says NPN, but the actual data is all negative going - which would only be the case for a pnp. Of course all the AI data scrapers only consider the (incorrect) Sanyo tag line of NPN - and that forms the basis for every human on the web to propagate that nonsense. Or the other way round - it matters not. As Kevin says - the 2sa1968 is a pnp
  11. A very belated one Jeff - hope you had a great day!
  12. Eating humble pie. The original diagram was correct. I had to draw up the truth tables to convince myself! Clearly very rusty now with Boolean logic. I used to be a dab hand.
  13. The two captions on the bottom right are the wrong way round. The NOR gate in the bottom middle would do not(South or Africa) and the bottom right, a NAND gate would do not(South and Africa).
  14. What a life! She said in an interview in the last few years that she was amazed she was still alive. RIP Marianne Faithfull.
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