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High Rollers
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Everything posted by Carl

  1. They're made at the Reflektor factory in Saratov. SED tubes are/were made at the former Svetlana collective in St Petersburg. There were a number of major tube making collectives in Russia at the end of the communist era, most of which are gone now. Of the ones that survived, Ulyanov and Ryazan are the two other major ones.
  2. I'd like to see someone put some fine powder on the various types of Lambda/Sigma drivers and map out their Chladni Patterns at various frequencies. Given the reasonably large sound differences given the same shape and mechanical operation I assume that the modest differences between the electrode/diaphram-coating capacitance and diaphram's molecular makeup have quite a marked affect on the modes or vibration.
  3. Langt s
  4. Make me an offer.
  5. I'd love to drive my stats off 212Es or GM100s. I'd never have to pay for heating again.
  6. All audio forums do. It's an occupational hazard.
  7. Looks like an anus.
  8. 発見!!! Look what I found!!! うっかり? わざと?うっかり? 狙い? Unintentional? Intentional? Unintentional? Their aim? 上下が逆ですね。。。 They've got it the wrong way around, haven't they.... 煙りには無理な動きなんじゃないかな?? 笑 Surely smoke doesn't move that way, right?? Lol. So yeah, not really funny at all.
  9. Unfortunately those smart enough to notice are also smart enough to turn sigs off so we don't have to read people's entire life story every post.
  10. It's nothing without the image macro to go with it.
  11. Listen to a Sennheiser Surrounder straight out of a Zune, and you'll know you've made it.
  12. You can have mine for $250 if you want.
  13. I do believe I've half jokingly suggested UE 10 Pros to you on several occations (you know, for the lulz). I can't think of any time I've said any bad words about the custom variety, appart from maybe saying you'd get better price/performance with full sized headphones. Non custom IEMs, yes, I think they're mostly shit.
  14. That's because you keep listening to those damn non-custom IEMs.
  15. Well, one would hope. There's plenty of cheapy headphones that are surpremely listenable iff not the last word in anything. Headphones that are out and out unenjoyable (beyond a certain baseline pricepoint at least) are less common than us headphone freaks like to let on.
  16. Well myself and my good friend have rather different takes on the 404 sound. I didn't find them bright and fatiguing so much as warm/mushy and pedestrian. All that elevated treble comes in one big lump, kinda like the torque in an old diesel powered car. That bit can be EQed out, assuming you're not allergic to such measures, but timbrally it's still a lost cause. The 4070 isn't perfectly neutral by any stretch, there's what I call a "dead spot" in the mids which lack the breath of life, by hey, what were you expecting, perfection? From a closed headphone? Ain't gonna happen. As compromises go, though, I have precious little to complain about considerin the alteratives. As far as closed headphones go I've yet to hear anything better but I still need to drag a pair of L3000s and R10s into my cave to comment unequivially.
  17. Now now, there's nothing wrong with transformers as long as you don't use crap ones.
  18. Well the 300B is a nice sounding tube. Utterly insane to tuberoll, though. Gotta try those NOS first generation WE 300As. Of course amplifier designers could just use a less well known tube that costs far less and sounds about as good, but we all need those thermionic baubles.
  19. Gases in a vacuum tube?
  20. Well xenon tubes aren't full of toxic material, so that's something, but they do lack that hard to decribe magic that MV diodes have. Yes, MV diodes will arc over sometimes, especially when opperated at the edges of their SOA. Yeah, damper diodes are usually the most sensible option. I'm planning on using some MVs for a cathode supply, though, as you can't get 5A from any damper diode that I'm aware of.
  21. They sound delicious and they look delicious. They do radiate a bucketload of RF hash, though, so don't just plop one into a circuit that doesn't have adequate filtering to get rid of it.
  22. Mouser sell a compatible plug, but it's pretty basic. No teflon and high purity silver contacts in there, that's for sure. They're easy as to pull appart and get access to the cable and drivers. Just be careful when you solder as hot solder doesn't like mylar much. The quest though, is finding a suitable cable. Most cable manufacturers seem to tailor their cables for use with inductive speakers.
  23. Now that you mention it, yeah that is odd. Well then, off to Alex!
  24. That's what I get for not checking Larry's site for a few days.
  25. I would so put money up for a hoard of UV and UX series globes. Someone should go for it, then divy up the spoils.
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