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kevin gilmore

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Everything posted by kevin gilmore

  1. beryllium dust is also massively toxic. i have a 6 inch cube of the stuff i was going to make a knob out of, and was told in no uncertain terms that i could not use my favorite equipment to do that.
  2. you cannot use a center tapped transformer with the kgbh power supply, you need 2 seperate high voltage windings
  3. putting it in a metal box won't hurt the transformer. unless you use a metal post that goes thru the center of the transformer (torroids or racetrack transformers) in which case there is one very low impedance single turn short.
  4. http://www.head-fi.org/t/677809/the-stax-thread-iii/9015#post_12639570 i would say that never again will turn into about a week edit: looks like 4 hours
  5. so what will happen when astroboy decides he has to have a BH with the emission labs tubes, or even much more expensive a T2 with emission lab tubes. There is no reason to defend my amplifiers. For people with a brain, they defend themselves quite well.
  6. only if you deliberately short out the 5M resistor on the power supply bias board...
  7. i thought canada was about to become the 51st state
  8. he is just the idiot of the month. trouble is that he has been an idiot for more than a month.
  9. What part numbers are on q17 and q18 should be something like this to hard to read the real values, so all the R# and values are clearly wrong. dualtube.PDF
  10. The green wires are in the wrong place, and the 200 ohm resistors should be replaced by 100 ohms
  11. lt1021 should be 10v
  12. this is why testing the resistors is easier than figuring out why it does not work later.
  13. because then you still need 2 of them and then a dual xlr to single 4 pin adapter Mikhail did this stupid shit on that monster I have.
  14. srx6rev2 board file posted with the latest fixes, someone please check
  15. new amp board srx6rev2 with all of the latest additions can use -20v supply, or add resistor and zener and run off the -340v supply board is exactly the same size with all the mounting holes in the same places, 8 more holes added, should not influence the price
  16. are you leaving the transistors on the mini boards, or are going to unsolder and use later.
  17. that gets expensive, but sure.
  18. 4 pin, ABSOLUTELY NOT you put a 5 pin on the amplifier output. and then a 5 pin to 4 pin tail for balanced, and a 5 pin to 3 pin for se.
  19. its fine for digital, just seems a bit of overkill when a standard 3 terminal regulator is enough. definitely change d4 to 5.1v 4.7v is too low and it will not start.
  20. never tried it that way. a little over the top to use this to power digital. does look like it will work.
  21. actually if its that old, your electrolytics are starting to die...
  22. i soldered the filament wires directly to the jacks.
  23. mu metal is even better
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