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kevin gilmore

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kevin gilmore last won the day on February 20

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  1. thorens td125 with sme type 3 tonearm. mcintosh c26 preamp mcintosh 2105 power amp teac reel to reel. classic stuff then. classic stuff now.
  2. there is an american manufacturer of the same power supplies, same foot print. about double the price. don't remember where. i have too many new toys to play with at the moment. one makes 116db on startup. its pissing off the neighbors. (which is a good thing)
  3. somewhere there is a mini board that is a stn9360 to to126 pinout. but bending the pins is something i have also done.
  4. the 2sa1968 is definitely a pnp. there were datasheets that were definitely wrong. for this application you need a 400v pnp.
  5. definitely not. use ksa1156. not sure if its the same pinout. kind of busy at the moment. but you would not know that
  6. going to look at it in a few minutes. should be ground i think. nope, thats the feedback on the output. and the gerber file is correct. not sure where you got that picture, probably here, and likely not done. 3 of the other versions had the same error, all are updated on the google shares. no idea how that happened. someone needs to go thru all 9 versions (or more) to see if there are any more errors. i'm kind of busy waxing my brand new 2025 corvette Z06 3lz htc.
  7. 12 volt filament version with pin 6 grounded. for existing boards modification is easy. solder short wire from pin 6 to the ground pin on the .1uf 630v cap nearest to that tube. megatron12vcs - CADCAM.ZIP
  8. will look into the megatron boards and see if the mods are easy. likely they are.
  9. since pin 6 of the tube is a no connect, you can modify the amplifier and tie the 4 pin 6's to chassis ground. then in the adapter, pin 6 to the heatsink.
  10. great idea. but there had better be a tail to ground the heatsink. otherwise not safe.
  11. someone asked for this, so here is the amp board. working on power supply board now need to find a suitable chassis. power supply board in progress. cfaelectrostatschem2-4 - CADCAM.ZIP cfaelectrostatschem2-3.PDF cfaelectrostatschem2-3ps - CADCAM.ZIP
  12. well there are apex chips that do sound good. but they are stupid pricy. and require large heat sinks.
  13. it could have originally been 2 different transistors for the darlington in which case the original diagram might have been correct. since this is 30 years old, any original ideas are long gone.
  14. you are not looking carefully enough. there is much more wrong with this thing. hint: power supply
  15. makes sense.
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