Not to derail the thread, but what is your guy's opinion on the Matrix M-Stage (another discrete amp). Matrix M-Stage amp review: simple, cheap, and excellent. - Community I know I shouldn't trust head fi but this was a convincing review. Seems like it could be an alternative and I haven;t read about noise/heat issues for it either.
Actually my comment "check out what they own" was a direct refrence to Darth Beyers. He has sold alll of his Darth Beyers. I've heard him makes comments to the effect that he likes less bass then he used to. I think he likes more refined headphones then he used. We should probably get back to the topic now, sorry guys.
You are probably right but I was wondering how many people actually buy a 1000 $ headphone without doing any research and research would inevitably lead them to HF.
You are right that made no sense... I feel stupid now. Head fi had the beginnings of hype occurring when the hike occurred I think...
I find it particularly ironic that the price hike coincided with the massive hype surrounding the LCD-2. Of course, I am sure Beyer did not take the tiny American company seriously enough.