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Everything posted by Emooze

  1. Does sweeter necessarily mean better? Also mark me down as interested in a board set.
  2. My words exactly. That picture is my new computer background.
  3. Do you have a meter? You should check first to see if AC is getting all the way to the power supply, then if DC is coming out. Also make sure that the voltages aren't below what they are supposed to be.
  4. "Pretty ok" is an understatement. I think they look damn awesome. I like the exposed screw heads too.
  5. I'd do it. One of the shops at school has a mill about that size and it's way more handy than a floor-standing model any day.
  6. Emooze

    Audeze LCD-2

    Agreed, I think your modified SRM-Xh sounded better than my Exstata. Waiting on the KGSSHV before I decide what to do with the amp.
  7. I agree with countersinking being the sex and I absolutely recommend it. You just need to be careful with the angle. Be sure to get a bit that matches the angle of the screw you are using. It just won't look right if the hole and the screw don't match up.
  8. That looks very nice Kevin! Will the full +/-500V board still be available though? I like the bit about 50 years of Stax too, hadn't noticed that before.
  9. Very nice, that's impressive workmanship. I'm also interested in how you did that.
  10. Happy Birthday Birgir!
  11. Here's the tour And there's this one where he describes his precision tweaking process as he knocks his emu off its stand.
  12. I think he is as Coconut seems to have spun off of Exeres
  13. I like how they describe the tube sound of the Valhalla
  14. It was 19 on the way in but it was still well worth it to be able to meet and drink with everyone. Many thanks to Kevin, Todd and Doug for the glorious whisky and beer.
  15. I got a free Bic 40Z the other day and after adding an RJM VSPS that I put together on a breadboard, I think I have to say that I wish I got into vinyl earlier. Makes Flac files sound boring and flat.
  16. Agreed, same thing happened to me a few pages back
  17. What a legacy to leave behind. R.I.P. Dr. Sennheiser
  18. Determined that the starter motor on my jeep is busted.
  19. Sticky sheet worked. Driver's on there pretty solidly now. And most importantly, no more rattle on the bass notes!
  20. The left driver on my Lambdas has become loose. It's barely being held onto the black plate/housing piece. Any recommendations on how I should glue it back on? I was thinking clean the old glue off with alcohol and use a superglue.
  21. Count me down as interested. Would a mercury vapor rectifier PS be feasible?
  22. I'm coming to CJ exclusively to hear the T2 now. I also really like the power isolation transformer idea, the thought had (sadly) never occurred to me.
  23. If you were filling the enclosure with thermally conductive gas, would you need the tubes sticking out? And what about using a non-conductive liquid like mineral oil?
  24. Emooze

    Canjam 2010.

    Definitely, I've done a drive from MA to downeast Maine by myself and that was horrendously boring. Was going to try to put a little more work on the case of my eXStatA and possibly bring it. Will be buying a power regulator this time.
  25. Edward Sharpe and the Magnetic Zeros: Up From Below [ATTACH=CONFIG]2832[/ATTACH]
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