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Everything posted by Emooze

  1. Figures, I leave the state and now you guys have a meet. I expect you all to have twice the fun because of it.
  2. In other news, mine is making music finally.
  3. Finally stopped raining around 5, went for a short ride with the remaining daylight. I need more thermal gear... http://www.strava.com/activities/90094746
  4. Those gold chassis are just darn sexy indeed. Very well done! I just powered up the second PSU for the first time. Both rails sitting comfortably right at 505V. Getting a little too excited so I'll let it discharge and test the amp boards hopefully tomorrow.
  5. Just throwing my 2 cents in. I've got a Sharp Quattron 46" from 2011 (I think the LC46LE830U) and it has some of the best blacks and colors I've seen out of an LCD. It sounds like you are leaning more towards plasma but the LED backlit LCDs have come a long way in just the past few years so it might be worth the comparison.
  6. The problem is with mutual respect. Yes, we are a crass, asshole group of hooligans but at the same time if you stand by your beliefs and respect the opinions of others, I seriously doubt there is a single person here who would not reciprocate. Your issue is the respect of others. I'm not saying you have to agree, you just have to realize that there are people who see things in a different light. Variety is the spice of life except when the spice of life comes in and thinks it's better than any other ingredient in the pot and insults them because of it. </drunken metaphor>
  7. The bike shop near me was having a shutdown sale too. 10% off of everything for everyone except senators, representatives and the president. Took a ride down there and picked up a few things: http://www.strava.com/activities/86445705 There was one intersection where they were redoing the concrete curb and we had to stop and carry our bikes over the trench they had dug.
  8. Went for a run to work off some anger. Apparently I ran out of anger an I'm in an inexplicably good mood now.
  9. Sorry I was incommunicado. I had the "fucked up" part of the meet down pat this morning. Made it home safe though. Won't be the last time I make the drive for sure. I had an excellent time thanks to our organizer and chauffeur respectively. People watching in the morning with Jeff was also enjoyable. Pity I missed it today...
  10. Hiccups cured. Pappy did it
  11. Best water so far. Very neutral
  12. Next stop
  13. "I got a tough life" -Jeff
  14. Water at Local Option is a bit more chemical tasting but they serve it in actual glasses
  15. Water at the Map Room was good. More on the mineral side. Need to get some water at Local Option.
  16. Local Option/Dark Horse Militigan: Oat wine
  17. Actual picture of the Bocker Cuvee
  18. Ommegang Scythe and Sickle at the Map Room
  19. Water here is better than FFF
  20. It's not a very good puzzle. It relies too much on awareness of the question asked versus actual pattern recognition, IMHO.
  21. No, the '=' is more of a relationship like an analogy in this sense. You could read it as "115 is to 57 as 117 is to what?" Edit: Mathematics is so great that I might be speaking entirely out of my ass at this point. Fallacy rules.
  22. The last 2 on the left go up by 2 so the last 2 on the right go up by 22.
  23. So I haven't received my replacement 10m90s yet and I called Mouser again. Turns out the first CS rep I spoke to never put the order in to ship me the new parts. It's been well over 2 year since I first bought the boards for this amp. Maybe it's just not for me...
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