Ok I am a little scared to post on these forums, but I think I have pretty thick skin and I can take it...... I have lurked around here since falling in love with headphones, but in all honesty was a little intimidated to post. I finally joined. Read the welcome PM 50 times to make sure I didn't miss anything that will get me banned or just embarass myself. This is a forum of freindship and I hope I can fit in somewhere along the way. I know a lot of you from other forums such as head-fi.
I have been married for 16 years and have two beautiful children, Tori 14, and Wade 9.
We share our jungle with a gigantic Bloodhound, a Jack Russell Terrier, Pomeranian, Ragdoll Cat , Manx and a 50 pound captive bred chocolate Raccoon.
I love audio, I always have. I can play just about any musical instrument competently, but wished I would have stuck with just one and gottn great at it.
I have Ultrasone 2500's and HIFI 780 headphones and my HF2 should be here tomorrow. My source is Flac through my X-fi with Blackgate NX 2200uF and 4x LM4562 and EFI shielding and other replaced caps. It is running into a beautiful sounding Bijou headphone amp built by dBel. I really love this amp but am hoping to buy a nice DAC to pair with it asap.
I wanted to make a post and say hi. I am no expert audiophile so I won't make any advice giving threads, but I sure do love to read them! This site is excellent and I hope to become an accepted member of this extended family.
Chris Junkin aka MoBayRasta