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Everything posted by mobayrasta

  1. Why would I be joking. It takes thousands of years for an animal to become domesticated. Such as cows or dogs. Just because he is not domesticated does not mean he is not extremly tame. 29th generation removed from the wild. He is a chocolate raccoon not even a color that exsist in the wild. You can not keep a raccoon in a cage, they will be nasty. I trust him a lot more than I would trust my neighbors pit bull. I understand living in California where you can't own any exotic, not even a ferret might have something to do with your closed mindedness. Not trying to be mean at all, but that was how your comment came across. I have thick skin, but not when it concerns my children. I love my childeren more than life itself. I would never do anything that would put them in any kind a danger. To even insinuate that, might step over the line a little bit.
  2. You guys kill me. I deserve it. Dr Doolittle with a tricked out Soundblaster, can I use that one? Maybe that should be my sig. So funny. As for playing just about any instrument. I meant that as a slight against myself. I never stuck with anything long enough. I guess I am best at guitar, piano, harmonica. But I can also play violin, viola, bass and many others. I don't do well with instruments that have to be blown, but it seems there are enough people here good at blowing all ready........... I will post pics of all of my critters soon. Mr. Maher, I am going to kiss a little ass here. I have a lot of respect for you and everything you do with in the DIY community. I wish I had any mechanical skills at all. I would love to be able to build the things that you dBel, Cavalli and the rest of the master DIY'ers do. You guys rock and I am in awe! Now ass kissing over........ My raccoon MashUp ( a Jamaican thing ) is 29th generation captive bred. A long way from being domesticated but still not close to being snatched from the wild. He is very much a member of the family and wouldn't harm the children. Hell, he sleeps with them under their covers. He is very bad but in a mischevious way not aggresive at all. Pics coming soon.
  3. Well the first two years were an absolute pain in the ass. He was like having a toddler that you had to keep up with all the time. You have to have them neutered or spayed or they will just get down right nasty during breeding season. He is a really mellow now (3 years old) and I have to tell him no a lot less often. He is a member of our family and would realy miss him if he were not around. He is super sweet and LOVES attention. He will let you scatch his back for hours and hours and will lay there as long as you will keep doing it. He is what I would call an attention whore.....lol There is a great forum devoted to exotic pets Sybil's Message Board Some really great people on it. You are lucky you live in Ohio and everything is legal to own. If you search my forum name ( mobayrasta ) you can see all the trials and tribulations I went through with him. Would I do it again? Hell no! There were so many times I said what the hell did I get myself into...... He is great now that he is an adult, but I will never forget the constant attention he required to get to this point. They are not an animal for most people, you need a lot of patience. Thanks for the welcomes! Chris
  4. Ok I am a little scared to post on these forums, but I think I have pretty thick skin and I can take it...... I have lurked around here since falling in love with headphones, but in all honesty was a little intimidated to post. I finally joined. Read the welcome PM 50 times to make sure I didn't miss anything that will get me banned or just embarass myself. This is a forum of freindship and I hope I can fit in somewhere along the way. I know a lot of you from other forums such as head-fi. I have been married for 16 years and have two beautiful children, Tori 14, and Wade 9. We share our jungle with a gigantic Bloodhound, a Jack Russell Terrier, Pomeranian, Ragdoll Cat , Manx and a 50 pound captive bred chocolate Raccoon. I love audio, I always have. I can play just about any musical instrument competently, but wished I would have stuck with just one and gottn great at it. I have Ultrasone 2500's and HIFI 780 headphones and my HF2 should be here tomorrow. My source is Flac through my X-fi with Blackgate NX 2200uF and 4x LM4562 and EFI shielding and other replaced caps. It is running into a beautiful sounding Bijou headphone amp built by dBel. I really love this amp but am hoping to buy a nice DAC to pair with it asap. I wanted to make a post and say hi. I am no expert audiophile so I won't make any advice giving threads, but I sure do love to read them! This site is excellent and I hope to become an accepted member of this extended family. Respect Chris Junkin aka MoBayRasta
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