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Everything posted by mobayrasta

  1. Who knew the Monkey was posing for extra money. He must be trying to buy another DAC.
  2. I wasn't there all though I really wanted to be. If I can get a shirt I will take a XXL Blue.
  3. Wow....Almost everybody played nice. Ahh....that nice head-fi feeling.....wait Maybe I am sick........
  4. Now if someone would just make a Rasta colored headphone that didn't sound like poo I would be so happy..........
  5. Oh HELL YES everything in Jamaica stays locked up with a Guard. Luckily I trust my best friend over there with my life....heck my children's life. My stuff is in Kempshot Jamaica which is a little tiny community in the hills about 20 miles South of Montego Bay. Almost no crime. But damn if I haven't been in places I am scared to leave my car. Heck scared to get out of my car......! We own 1/3rd of a Studio in New Kingston but there are parts of Kingston that look worse than a war zone in Iraq. I will not even go with out a guide from the area. Gangs control all of the ghettos and if you don't have a member of that affiliation with you, you might not come back out! I have been in some pretty tense situations. BUT......I still love my Island! There are parts that are so peaceful and beautiful! I love spending time in Treasure Beach on the South Coast. My kids spend time on the beach alone and I don't even think twice about it. I guess it is just like any third world country. I would love to show you my Jamaica. I know you love reggae as much as me. I could really show you that world and you could meet any reggae star young or old that you would like. Bunny Wailer is my partners neighbor. He drives the ugliest gold car, everything is gold colored from the rims to the trim.....GROSS and so tacky but so very Jamaican. An open invitation to you anytime I am there. Respect Chris
  6. I am loving my pair also! Have yet to find an amp they don't sound good out of. They might be the FOTM but what a wonderful flavor.....yummm I agree with some of the comments on build quality. I was a little dissapointed in the woodwork on my pair. They sound heavenly though so I can't complain too much.
  7. I put in a preorder also. For the price it should make a great 2nd DAC
  8. I have been talking to Transmission Audio about these ribbon headphones for about a year now. They would have been out all ready if they would not have gotten a huge commercial contract that they just finished. We should be hearing some new news any day. I have been promised the first pair and can not wait to get my hands on them. I am hoping they really blow me away. I have not talked to them in a couple of weeks so I will write an email when I get home to see where they stand. I really believe they will be on the market before Christmas. I am hoping to have my pair before Thanksgiving if all goes well. Chris
  9. mobayrasta


    Yhea me too. Bummer, was a great deal.
  10. Thanks. I finally have a solid state amp on the way with multiple gain choices, so I hope it pairs well with my lower impendance cans like my Grado's and Ultrasone's. I am curious what removing the NF for my 340's would do now. I will have to give it a try!
  11. Oh.....I want some SO BAD! I really love the first ones that Don posted. I cannot wait to get my own!
  12. So I have a Bijou built by dBel84 (Don) and am curious about the negative feedback. With the pot turned all the way down (7 oclock) it seems to have no negative feedback and is perfect for my AKG 340's . As you turn the pot clockwise you get less and less sound. Am I supposed to turn the negative feedback up when using Grado's and Ultrasones ( I know everybody at head-case loves Ultrasones) If I turn it up too much it seems to loose a lot of the lushness of the amp. I am still trying to figure out the best spot for my low impendence phones. Anybody got any advice? Chris
  13. Ohhhhhh. This sounds cool. Can't wait for more details. And if its compatible with ortho's even better!
  14. In the end it does not matter. My wife has really bad back problems. My parents gave me the money for my BDay to get the DEQ. I had to spend it on the electric bill. Her meds are costing me over 1k a month. So depressed can't stand it. I see no way out of it. It just gets worse and worse. Maybe in a few months I will be able to get some kind of DAC. Really sucks. I ordered a DAC off of head-fi a while ago and it arrived so beat up by the post office, it would not even turn on. Waiting to get my money from the post office, but he devalued it so customs would not screw me so I will only get half my money back. And to top it off, they took the DAC! DAC depression sucks.......
  15. jpelg Do they sound the same. I understand no upsampling wit the DEQ But I like a lot of it's features. Such as the stereo width adjustment suppose-ably great EQ's and heck I love the VU meters and peak meter on the display....... lol But if the SRC sounds better I am going to get that. It will be very ordering soon.
  16. Thanks for all the PM's . Agile_One got me hooked up!
  17. Looking for some one to build me 3 pin XLR's To Rca , or 1/4"'s to RCA to hook my Begringer DEQ2496 to my headphone amp. Can anybody help me out?
  18. Also how does it sound compared to the ULTRAMATCH PRO SRC2496
  19. A couple of highly respected members here have reccomended the DEQ2496 as a DAC. I am very interested and would like to hear some other opinions on this cool piece of equipment. I also do some home recording and can see where some of its feautures would help me there. My main concern is how it would sound as a DAC. I understand that being pro-audio gear vs. audiophile gear that it will probably be a little more cold and anylitical. But paired with my Bijou amp which is very warm and lush, though it might make a good combo. Anybody have some comments or reccomondations. I am looking for a desktop DAC. It does not need to be portable in any way. I would like to spend $500 bucks or less, the DEQ2496 can be had for $200 dollars shipped of Amazon right now. Seems like a great deal. Truth be told I am pretty happy with my modified X-FI. But now I want better.
  20. No dreads here either. Had for a short while and just didn't go so well with business dealings. I know vanity is a sin, but when it hurts your sales you do what you have to do. Thanks for the welcome. Nuff Respect!
  21. grawk you are a trip. Ok last pic of MasUp for the nght . This is more recent and he is probably about 45 pounds in this pic. [ATTACH=CONFIG]2909[/ATTACH]
  22. [ATTACH=CONFIG]2907[/ATTACH] [ATTACH=CONFIG]2908[/ATTACH] Not cake , but how about a lolipop. In the second pic he is playing with my Jack Russell Petey.
  23. [ATTACH=CONFIG]2906[/ATTACH] MashUp not eating cake but he looks like he is trying to eat my daughter. Still not a current pic. But it is a little more recent. More to come. I will find a cupcake to feed him and take a shot tomorrow. You want a Raccoon eating cake......you will have it.....LOL
  24. [ATTACH=CONFIG]2904[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]2905[/ATTACH] Matilda before she turned into the beast that she is now. My son on the bed.
  25. [ATTACH=CONFIG]2903[/ATTACH] An old pic of him. Its hard to tell from this pic, but all of his fur is some shade of brown. There is no white or black. Just lighter and darker shades of brown. Looking for more pics now. Most of them are on wifes laptop. Will have more recent ones posted soon.
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