Only a few years yet As I remember this is a two decades project.
To be powerful enough to drive an sr-007, min 10 hours battery time, portable, diy-able, affordable ... Too hard.
That boards from the group buy nine years ago fortunately was good enough. For desoldering maybe the best tool is the Denon sc-7000z so I had no worries replacing a lot of parts as now.
Mine too. I had no no time and nerve so I replaced the big caps and all sands in the negative psu. I have to check yet which parts died. There was a few similar catastrophe so this may be interesting. Thanks the help too.
Died by age not by usage I think. My carbon was rarely used. I have the same problem, same caps, all four are bad. Bad quality so who got these caps from the same group buy have to be cautious. My amp is taken apart on my workbench for months I have more serious problems, illness in the family. I hope I can continue the repair in the near future.
I think my caps came from the group buy organized by @sorenb in 2015. 680u 550v from "FTcaps Germany". (These were overkill because my carbon was 400v). Maybe bad apples or any other cause, the bought volume was enough for more than 10 carbons. I think I would replace the caps in your place in the positive supply too, less fuss.
Congratulations! I have the same problem with my carbon. Both of the big capacitors in the negative supply died. It happened a few months ago but I can not persuade myself to start the repair until now. As I checked it again I see one of the capacitor in the positive supply is bulging too. These are from the first group buy I think. Where are yours from? So the advice is replace all the sands (and check the passives in between) the less time consuming?
As I thinking about the show the similarities with Mare of Easttown strucked me a bit late. Can not be a coincidence I do not know which was first. It does not matter both are phenomenal.
And both because of the lead actress mostly.
ps.: I am not the first who discovered the similarities and Happy Valley was the first I see.
Finished the first season. It was so good as True detective, Fargo or Mare of Easttown(always the first seasons) or better. I always thought tv shows are something like chewing gum most of it are but there are exceptions. So I am watching a few lately.
You are on the wrong forum. You can start here
Google QN90A black screen
I am not teasing you the info is there but you need to work a lot to find it. There could be a hundred cause. Do not open the box if you have no experience with high voltage it could kill you, only try the other tips!
I am answering you because I had to repair a 3d lg TV myself because the service only wanted to do it for almost the full price of the tv. It was a few months to find the info, parts and equipment but I had no choice because you can not buy 3d TV s nowadays. How can we watch the next Avatars?
I thought so myself before. It seems 1984ish delete a person good or bad from the history. Probably it happened before, my inattention. Got a message "ไธ้็่ณๆบ" that I have not find on the forum.