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Everything posted by trevorlane

  1. Satan saved the day! I didn't get to see the game in person, although after watching it on tv I went over by North Station and got to talk to a bunch of the fans who went.
  2. Bosh maybe, it's time for Shaq to throw in the towel, and Z can always play backup if need be. Wade will be at Miami for a while I think, he just needs a giant like Yao maybe Biedrins, and a SF/PF like Ilyasova or Charlie V (from last season) to bring Miami to back to competitive form.
  3. If Durant was the #1 pick, Blazers would be where the Lakers are. I still think about that what if scenario: Brandon Roy with Kevin Durant and have Rudy be a starter.
  4. Absolutely, I feel you guys. Browns... Indians... Cavs... I hope Lebron gets it done this year. The king needs his ring.
  5. yeah, and KG did the elbow of stupidity to Q-Rich it's ok, the C's are kickin ass tonight and I'm hoping Durant will rip Kobe a new one.
  6. Yeah my heart sank on that lost shot. Did you hear that crowd? It's like watching the bad ending to Hoosiers if there was one, and now we know, he was no Jimmy Chitwood
  7. I understand that expansion of the field may look like a cash-grab which in turn hurts the prestige of the tournament, but I can see the standpoint of the schools in support of it as well. I don't exactly come from an athletic powerhouse of a school, and so most of our annual budget is derivative from grants and loans from public and private sources. UMass receives most of its support for academic programs from foundations, and the school administration helped in part to secure funding, but we lack in alumni funding. Schools like Michigan State, IU, UF, UCLA, OU, U of I, and many others receive funding from its NCAA connections, alumni, and research. For one thing, the NCAA tournament in basketball gives 100% of proceeds back to the schools. Teams that win get exposure, in turn the legislature will do what it can to give to the school, alumni love to support their teams, and sales from athletic apparel and licensing also help the schools. As of right now 34 schools have won the Basketball tournament in its 71 year history, and of those 28 wins came from 4 schools. There have been 9 expansions in the field thus far. In this current era of college basketball we see better recruiting from schools leading to better parity among the teams, an erosion from the dominance of certain programs. It's no longer expected that the premier conferences (Big Ten, Big 12, Big East, PAC-10, SEC) are to dominate the Final Four. As more and more smaller schools now go into the spotlight, it gives the lesser known schools a time to get their name out there for prospective students. The athletics programs will allow for more funding to come into the school to be spent on educational research and scholarships. I'd like to see schools like UNI and St. Mary's receive more exposure to increase their school endowments. Ok anyway, this was a longer response than I expected and my hope is rather than devaluing the tournament itself, the tournament can be a larger vehicle to bring more funding to schools that won't be known outside their geographic locality. Prospective students will have more choice in that sense, and may go to school that better suits them (from just having seen their name and giving them the opportunity of looking up their school information.)
  8. Definitely one of the best tourneys in such a long time. I definitely would like to see the field expanded to 96. I'm still not over the fact that 2007 Minutemen couldn't get into the tournament because of the RPI bubble. They beat Florida (granted a bad Florida) and played against OSU (of course without Greg Oden).
  9. last night was pretty ridiculous, just couldn't hit one goal. i would normally say, well we got the celtics too but KG = Chubs McPierce = Rondo is Rondo and Sheed = :palm: I guess I'll look forward to John Lackey and Beckett then.
  10. Happy Birthday Smeggy!
  11. Happy Birthday Al!
  12. trevorlane

    Canjam 2010.

    I was planning on flying at first (I have certificates I have to use up) but I haven't done a road trip in a while and I wanted to hit up some food places on the way back (stuff I saw on food network/travel channel). Plus I'm planning on making a stop-motion vid of my trip with my Nikon.
  13. trevorlane

    Canjam 2010.

    Emooze and I are doing a road trip to CanJam from Boston. If anyone in the new england area wants to come along for the ride let me know, I'm guessing another one or two can fit in with luggage/gear. (I think the ride is about 15 hrs each way)
  14. Looks like the TTVJ/Millett 307A has a new brother (albeit a hefty one): Announcing our new product line! - Head-Fi: Covering Headphones, Earphones and Portable Audio I wonder when Todd's releasing the pictures
  15. x2: 40 GB 3G iPod + ER-4P I bought from HeadRoom. A month later came:
  16. [sap] Nate, I was having a bromance moment with your BH, the WES, and JP's amp. You guys made me a believer in electrostat headphones today. [/sap]
  17. Voltron, I'll be bringing my DAC-1 and XLRs Edit, gear list to bring for the meet: DAC-1 TTVJ 307A a laptop? K1000 PS1 (1/4) Anyone bringing some balanced dynamic phones? I could bring my Apache but I doubt anyone would find it worth listening to.
  18. trevorlane

    John Adams

    Got this on Blu-Ray, saw it upon recommendation of my Cons Law prof. Funny they seemed to gloss over the Alien + Sedition Act and the Barbary Pirates, but go full on with the Quasi War. Especially strange since they introduce John Marshall as the political ally (but not as CJ)
  19. Blue Moon, no oranges though
  21. damn that terminator picture scared the shit out of me, and worse yet the professor just looked at me too.
  22. First post here... I pulled the trigger on the scratched 307A. Time to dump some of my gear
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