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The Monkey

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Everything posted by The Monkey

  1. Happy Birthday.
  2. Happy Birthday!
  3. After looking into it for about 30 seconds, it seems there's a revenue ruling out there somewhere that states PTO deductions are not deductible by the donor, but I guess there are also a lot of ways to set it up. Obviously, it is a kind thing for people to do for each other, but the cynic in me thinks it's a convenient way for corporations to shift the burden of the well-being of their employees to...other employees, all while dressing it up as a "benefit." Sort of reminds me of back in the day when my law firm listed subsidized blackberries as a "perk." Whatever. I just hate working for the Man. Nice day today. Played some baseball with the Little Monkey. Celebrated my sister-in-law's birthday. Celebrated America's birthday. Watched fireworks. Sweated. Drank some beer.
  4. ^very cool. Does anyone have some recommendations about photography sites? I'm looking for something with tips and info for beginners, but not too dumbed down.
  5. RIP
  6. Oof. That doesn't sound good at all. Feel better. That sounds dicey--real dicey.
  7. Could just be an implementation thing, then. Perhaps due to the relative newness of the Sabre chips?
  8. oof, not sure, I need to check. The three that come to mind immediately are Peachtree, Audioquest DragonFly, and the HeadRoom Ultra DAC. But I am forgetting the two others (at least I'm almost positive I have heard 2 others... ).
  9. In every execution I have heard so far (at least 5, I think, but I'm struggling to remember exactly which), they've sounded lean to me. I'm not sure if that's the nature of the chip itself or the way it's being used.
  10. Sounds like a good way for a company to get out of a financial hit by shifting it to its own employees. It's very generous of your wife, Larry, but a ridiculous policy. The Company should step up and do that itself. Make sure you take an appropriate charitable deduction on your taxes.
  11. Interesting. No idea about the circuit, but I like that it's modular/upgradable. And this isn't even the "statement" DAC. Glad they also stayed away from the Sabre chipses. I don't like those.
  12. Beats buys MOG: http://www.audiostre...og-its-official EDIT: and an opposable thumbs up to Lavorgna for linking to Tyll's review and advising people to watch the video.
  13. I like that quote. Sums it up nicely.
  14. I agree that Monster is less likely to get aggressive re the Beats. However, I don't think the agreement between the 2 companies ends until the end of 2012, fwiw.
  15. Yes, there's also that.
  16. Happy belated birthday, Greg, I hope it was great!
  17. OP, it sounds like the problem is elsewhere in the cable, so rather than trying to find the break, I recommend replacing the whole cable. And then, while your at it, head over to innerfidelity.com, read the reviews, and get yourself an upgrade from those headphones. You can easily find something with better build quality that should sound a lot better, too.
  18. Thanks Jon. I cleaned the lens and it looks better now. The only consistent haziness seems to be due to the flare you described above. It goes too fast.
  19. then it's probably all going to work out just fine.
  20. Thanks Jon, but I was getting it in all contexts. I'll try to upload another example.
  21. That was your first mistake. Most of us come here for the bacon.
  22. agree, although an interesting angle could be to listen to and measure knock-offs to see just how bad (or good) they are. I don't think that would be a well received article for many reasons, mostly understandable. But it would be interesting to know just how much we're paying for branding and R&D.
  23. Could use your help gang. I was using the Nikon 35 1.8 today and I do not like the images I was getting. No matter what I did, I got hazy images. And it doesn't appear to be happening with the 18-200 vr. An example appears below. What would be an explanation for this. Certainly poor skill and technique are at work, but I usually get at least non-hazy images with the 35 1.8. Any input would be appreciated.
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