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The Monkey

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Everything posted by The Monkey

  1. Yeah, but Belichick will have Gronk also play safety and all will be ok.
  2. I'm on the fence. Will know more next week. Anyone else?
  3. You can fix that in settings. I think you have to deselect "natural" or something like that in the trackpad settings in system prefs.
  4. Get something BIG. I will need plenty of room when I come to visit.
  5. Good luck Nate. Can't wait to hear all about it. This is an awesome thing you're doing.
  6. No pneumonia! Antibiotics and steroids should have me good to go!
  7. I have clearance, Clarence, for the weekend. Only problem is I think I might have pneumonia. Beer is good for that, though, right?
  8. Awesome. This sounds awesome.
  9. I'm gonna get me some internet2 up in heah.
  10. Yeah, the new UltraSuperDuper package or whatever it's called is pretty fast.
  11. Win.
  12. Disagree. Very, very few of them think critically about anything--at all.
  13. Where Posty at, bitches?! Happy birthday good sir!
  14. I don't know why the second one is making me laugh so hard, but it is.
  15. I think we have the same kid.
  16. win.
  17. Cool. In.
  18. I'm in. Wednesday night is the only no go for me. EDIT: and whatever, I always miss the draft anyway.
  19. Not sure yet, he's pretty fickle about colors these days.
  20. Holy Jesus. I will be ordering one of those for the Little Monkey.
  21. Happy Birthday!
  22. I'm on vacation, and rented the 70-200 2.8 along with the 1.7 TC. I look forward to messing up several great photo ops.
  23. The Wire Cheers Southland (maybe) Veep (yet) Seinfeld Frasier Deadwood
  24. ^This. Matt just seemed to take and appreciate people for who they were. Didn't judge. Unless they were total assholes. The world was a better place with him in it.
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