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The Monkey

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Everything posted by The Monkey

  1. Yeah, that's the way I'm leaning. I love the screen real estate. I am very tempted by the 15" rMBP but it's just not portable enough for me. And I think the 13" MBPr is expensive for what it is. So I think an MBA is in my not so near future.
  2. went to the Apple Store--again. I think I've figured it out. I'm going to get either the 27" iMac or a Mac Mini/Thunderbolt monitor (well, it's a gift from my Dad) and wait until the next gen MBA to upgrade the laptop.
  3. Happy Happy!
  4. I saw 27" iMac today. I like it very good. Make me rethink new laptop.
  5. Played Santa, and now playing with toys with the Boy. He's already getting angry at the Wii U because it's "cheating." Something about apples not falling far from trees comes to mind.
  6. Happy birthday to a great guy!
  7. Slow today. Wii U Setups?
  8. Santa is bringing me a fresh start.
  9. awesome fuckers!
  10. fuckers.
  11. Ending the ridiculous and unwinnable "war on drugs" is another good place to look to try to address the gun problem.
  12. The New York Jets.
  13. The 13" MBPr isn't available with 16GB of RAM? wtf?
  14. I have not yet seen the 13" MBPr. I have seen the 15". Beautiful. But I did notice some general UI lag that I did not like at all. Especially while scrolling.
  15. Marc, I know. I'm really torn. First world problems.
  16. For some reason, I was cutting out the 13" rMBP from consideration. So here we go, I am narrowing down to: - 13" MBA - 13" rMBP - 15" rMPB I still like the idea of a desktop, but I guess I can address that at another time or just get a big screen. Of the above, the 13" rMBP seems to have the best of both worlds in terms of portability and screen deliciousness.
  17. Happy birthdays.
  18. So it turns out my generous father will get me a puter this xmas. I'm thinking either the rmbp 15, imac 27, or MBA 13. My gut says rmbp 15. What says the hive mind?
  19. It's not taking the guns from the owners, really, that's the issue. It's stopping the manufacture of said guns. Yes, there are enough guns out there already to be a tremendous problem, but the gun manufacturers keep churning them out. That's where any gun control needs to start and the NRA and its lobbyists aren't about to let that happen.
  20. Are there data to support that conclusion or is it simply that the free and easy access to guns makes multiple killings simple when one snaps? IOW, I would suspect (but do not know) that people "snap" at more or less the same rate in industrialized nations. It's what they do once they snap that differs based on the tools available to them. IMUO.
  21. Of course we can get rid of the guns. "We" just don't want to.
  22. I like teh purple.
  23. I won the title, right?
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