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Everything posted by LarsMarkelson

  1. This one looks particularly intriguing: quirky | Cloak iPad Case I don't know if the rubber will feel really weird or not. The Apple case is pretty nice in that regard.
  2. iPhone 4 Loses Reception When You Hold It By The Antenna Band? Yowza. Bad news for people who go caseless.
  3. Engadget review here: iPhone 4 review -- Engadget Very well done review. The Face Time video is especially impressive. Really cool when the guy switches to the front cam to show his daughter. Also,
  4. Hey Shahrose, I see you now have a GS-1 DACT. From what you remember of the M3 and HA-006++, how does it compare to those two? Also does that DACT stepper make any noise (like the occasional click on the HA-006++) when changing steps?
  5. Yeah I ended up getting 4 of these: TecNec Cables & Connectors 1/4in Phone Male To RCA (Phono) Female Audio Adapter 1/4 Phone to RCA Adapters at Markertek.com And it works! I like the Nano Patch but haven't extensively tested to see if I'm losing any resolution/detail. One of the Output jacks doesn't hold the 1/4" adapter firm like the other slots though, pretty annoying. Pretty sure I'm going to return this thing as it is now.
  6. Posting from new family iPad. This is so effing cool. Videos look amazing on this. Keyboard could be better though, wish there were arrow keys somewhere.
  7. Indeed, it's pretty darn good. I wonder if the 10% and free shipping applies to B-Stock items as well, I'm thinking yes. B-stock items aren't listed on their site but I called a couple days ago and know they have an XPA-2 for $699, which comes out to $629.10 with free shipping.
  8. Emotiva Audio: Audiophile Quality Multi Channel Amplifiers, Stereo Preamplifiers, Audio/Video Processors, and Award Winning Speaker Systems At Direct Prices Emotiva July 4th sale just started 10% off all products 20% off cables free shipping free t-shirt
  9. HERE WE... | Facebook
  10. No idea on the current but when I ordered mine (1.5 months ago) it took just a day to get em shipped out after earmolds received. It definitely doesn't hurt to call, I had a refit I was waiting 10 days on and found out they were sitting on the guy's desk and would be shipped out that day when I called... no clue how long it would've been if I never called.
  11. +1 bump, no sign of them on the Magnepan website even today. Just found this
  12. Can't confirm which stepper it is on the HA-006++ but it definitely is not hard to turn at all.
  13. Here's a pic I took of the internals of the HA-006++ SE 99% sure I'm going to buy a passive volume attenuator, specifically the SM Pro Audio Nano Patch+ Only thing is it takes TRS (balanced and unbalanced) and I'm all RCA. The only thing I can find is RCA -> TS adapters (and vice versa), anyone know if those will work (TS going into TRS)?
  14. So... better than JH-13 unamped and/or better than JH-13 with Luxman P1?
  15. I too got the HA-006++ a couple days ago, haven't been listening a ton yet though. You're mainly using it with the HD-800? I'm using HF-2 and JH-13 and I got 1x gain. It's pretty crazy even with 1x I am only using the first 3-4 steps ever. Looking into getting some kind of attenuation because of that, right now it's between an inline attenuator (Goldenjacks) or a passive volume control (SM Pro Audio Nano Patch+)... still researching to figure which degrades the signal the least. I also might need a power conditioner because even with 1x gain I can hear a distinct buzz on the first two steps with my JH-13 (goes away pretty much at 3 though). I attribute this to the over 100 year old electrical system I'm using, not the amp. I never realized how important proper gain setting is... my previous amp HA-006+ was set at default 11x gain and I compensated this by lowering computer volume to 6%. Now I'm back at 100% with new amp and even at very low level listening I'm hearing all this new detail that I never heard before. Oh also Shahrose if you know how to solder or you know someone who can help you, talk to David and he will send you instructions on how to change your gain to 1x.
  16. JH Audio: It's as simple as taking out the crossovers... or is it? | Facebook
  17. Was just about to post this. Great deal, consider it's $42 new on amazon. Rockbox is pretty stable nowadays on the Clip+ so that's nice too.
  18. ^ Wow. Interesting... Whale mentioned this earlier but gonna quote it inline for everyone: Considering this and considering you can't use another amp with it, I'm imagining it will sound as good if not better than the JH-13 when plugged into a nice desktop amp (i.e. Dynalo), and it will be portable.
  19. I wonder if the JH-3A will still scale with a good amp? If not then that would certainly ease the pain of another $1100 as I could sell off my amp.
  20. I just installed MyWi (only for jailbroken iPhones) and it works incredibly well as a 3G modem/router. Really cool and only $10, so far very happy with it. Speed is pretty darn good too over 3G, I'm surprised, besides the smallish extra latency (compared to real modem/router) going between things, it's nice. For battery life I've read things like 2 hours, and that it will drain battery even when charging -- but if you aren't constantly downloading and/or uploading you can leave it on and it will allow a full charge.
  21. So I just got word from UE about the UE18 cable:
  22. WTF! $900!? Wow that's an incredible deal.
  23. Ultimate Ears Custom Optional Accessories - Custom Store - Ultimate Ears Earphones Headphones Personal Monitors Only thing I can find, but I'm not sure if that's the UE18 cable. This the one you're looking at luvdunhill? The Lune Silver Upgrade/Custom Cable for Ultimate Ears TF10Pro [LUNE_UE] - S$152.60 : Null Audio Studio, Where everything is purely handmade ^ It's a lot cheaper at $150 than the TWag, and if it's 4 wires, theoretically should also improve sound behind the head. Hm, reading some HF posts, it seems the memory wire on the Lune is not so great and as such the cable is not as stable around the ears as the stock cable. That's kind of a deal breaker for me. There is a UE18 cable on the FS forum there too, someone's getting a TWag instead. Hopefully more people do this and price goes down on them.
  24. Awesome! It seems to be working excellently. Makes selecting and transferring music to a RB'd Clip+ much easier.
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