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Everything posted by LarsMarkelson

  1. Hmmm, my guess is that now that it's officially V3, he is going to bump the price. When I ordered mine it was presumably for V2, so I got the price all the previous V2 people paid. V3 was unexpected.... At $299 still think it's a really good deal, esp. if you have a decent Grado sitting around that you never use.
  2. Website is out of date. When I ordered he said the full mod was not going to be offered anymore due to manufacturing difficulties.... also I believe the lite mod is still 249? Maybe it went up... it was 249 for me.
  3. No idea. Best way is to email Rhydon, he's pretty responsive ime. Mine was a whole new cycle, and what ended being a new version (thought I was getting V2 2nd batch), and it ended up taking a few months. I'd be prepared to wait, but it could be shorter.
  4. I like the A5s a lot, but they are a bit bright for my liking, and don't go low enough as well. I really am interested in the A7x, or A8x (uber loudness plz). I did not have the V1/V2 Magnums, this is the first time I've heard the Magnum.
  5. Source is USB Pico DAC to Sheer Audio HA-006++ (dynalo, gain set at 1) playing FLAC through foobar other stuff I have: -Smeggy Thunderpants -JH-13 -Rockbox'd Clip+ -AKG K702 (ew) -Sennheiser PX-100-II -Adam A5 monitors -Sheer Audio HA-006+ -Etymotics ER-4P Stuff I have had: -Grado HF-2 -Earsonics SM-3 -Beyer DT440 -Beyer DT880 32 ohm (briefly) -Koss KSC-35 -Koss KSC-75 The clarity and soundstage on these Magnums is beautiful. I am loving them. They are definitely bassier than neutral though. I like it, though I think on some songs I could do with a bit less bass. Mental burn-in FTW hopefully
  6. Very long, haha. There were definitely many delays. Though I have to say the communication was always good and he upgraded me to overnight shipping for free. I'm really happy with these. They are spectacular so far. I like them better than my JH-13's.
  7. anyone use the jh-13 portably with the pico slim? line-out or just straight out of the HP port? how big of a difference does it make? considering getting a pico slim myself to pair with sansa clip+ and jh-13
  8. so do you have to adjust it every time you put it on like a generic?
  9. More info plz? Noy is a custom mold fitting god? Please yes. I want to send my back soon.
  10. Correction to this, $249 for Lite + all the other cost. I just ordered mine with the 325is. Pretty excited.
  11. Magnum ordering has re-opened. He is only doing the Lite version this time, for $300 and of course cost of the Grados you want to mod. I put in my order with a 325is Also said 3-4 weeks to ship out Magnum after he gets the Grados.
  12. Oh man. I google'd to see how much it costs, only to find out it's a joke image. That would be awesome!!
  13. lol, awesome
  14. Check out our new website! Use coupon code "Site15" to save 15% today! Sound Earphones is your #1 source for all earphones and headphones from the top manufacturers such as Westone, Ultimate Ears, Shure, Sleek-Audio, Klipsch, Phonak Audeo, Skullcandy, H2O Audio, and Future Sonics along with headphones from AKG, Sennheis And they are now selling the Earsonics SM3, the only US retailer I know of doing that.
  15. Newegg.com - Rosewill 2.1 ch High Quality Speaker - Arc Horn Style Designed Model RNA-SYM $20 shipped (reg price is $50) for what could be some pretty good portable usb laptop speakers.
  16. Newegg.com - Rosewill Wind Knight Gaming ATX Mid Tower Computer Case with pre-installed 2x 120mm Fan, Support up to 1x 140mm top fan, 2x 140mm side fan, 1x 140mm front fan, 1x 120mm rear fan Great case for sale today $35 shipped. Never owned one myself but I have had a cheaper Rosewill that I absolutely loved. Looking at the specs of this case, it should be pretty amazing as well, with very good cooling options. Some NF-P14's and ZM-F3's and a fan controller would make for a silent but great cooling case. Tempted to get one myself but I would have no use for it.
  17. Wait can some people super smile (or any other facial contortion) and not have the JH's move? If so, I am really jealous, but more hopeful of a perfect fit.
  18. Anand had the same problem with white balance: Apple's iPhone 4: Thoroughly Reviewed - AnandTech :: Your Source for Hardware Analysis and News If he timed it right, he could get the correct WB.
  19. Whole lotta coupons at newegg came out today Newegg.com - Coupon Frenzy! Get 10-25% off on ALL Hard Drives, Blu-ray Burners, Keyboards… 25% off any klipsch or Energy speakers: EMCYVYZ22 10% off any hard drive: EMCYVYZ29 10% off any Panasonic HDTV: EMCYVYZ25 10% off any LG HDTV: EMCYVYZ24 10% off point and shoot digital cameras: EMCYVYZ28 10% off any atx or htpc comp. cases: EMCYVYZ35 10% off any LG monitor: EMCYVYZ23 15% off any switch or wireless routers: EMCYVYZ32 10% off any home surveillance product: EMCYVYZ34 15% off any keyboard: EMCYVYZ27 15% pff amy card reader: EMCYVYZ33 10% off select mobos: MBJULY 10% off all Blu-ray Drives and Burners: EMCYVYZ26 free shipping on all gps units 25% off Klipsch might be interesting for some here. Here's all the Klipsch products they sell, Newegg.com - Klipsch Personally I got a fast Blu-ray reader for my computer for $81 shipped (http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16827136189)
  20. Yep didn't last long, me picking up three probably didn't help much. Not a deal but Woot just announced they've been acquired by Amazon: Woot : Amazon, Woot, and You: But Mostly Woot
  21. Newegg.com - Open Box: SAMSUNG Spinpoint F3 HD103SJ 1TB 7200 RPM 32MB Cache SATA 3.0Gb/s 3.5" Internal Hard Drive -Bare Drive Samsung Spinpoint F3 1Tb for $46.99, it's an open box deal but FWIR the warranty still applies. Probably won't last long, these are really great hard drives, my personal favorite storage drives -- fast, reliable, and quiet.
  22. They installed it for you? That's pretty awesome and well worth the trip to best buy if so IMO. I've seen people installing those get really stressed out.
  23. Verizon iPhone in January, claims Bloomberg -- Engadget Seems to jive with AT&T raising early termination fees on iPhones and moving up people's upgrade dates.
  24. Yeah I haven't found a comfortable way to use it in bed when I'm flat on my back. This was how I used my laptop frequently, and it was quite easy since the keyboard hinge rested on my chest and supported it all. Grip might be the problem... rubber case could work. I was thinking it'd be nice if a case had a built-in glove or something to hold your hand. This seems like a very promising rubber case, with hinged stands for angled use: quirky | Cloak iPad Case
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