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Everything posted by pabbi1

  1. pabbi1

    TKD pot

    Those are the best going atm for that range, assuming the rk40 doesn't magically appear in bulk somehow. I have the audio taper versions from PcX (2cp 2508, iirc), but they really have grown on me. The P65 is really intriguing, but...
  2. Chick DO dig scars... I just hate listening to the wife gripe about Dremel / Table Saw / Jointer, when the most skin I have lost recently was when I left the key in the chuck before turning on the drill press (funny, she missed THAT one)... tore off a dime sized piece of my knuckle. Face shield for the win, or, it would have been worse. Or, self fulfilling prophesy, as in, 'I am picking up xacto - note: do NOT cut self' - well, then, do anyway.
  3. Or, that bag of little heatsinks I just found on my desk, reading through my mail...
  4. Which is worse - forgetting to order it, or f'ing it up once it is here? Marc, have a couple of 2k trimmers to save me one more Mouser trip? That is one thing Tanners does not have, though the right heatsinks may qualify for what I forgot to order, but hopefully Tanners has those. Mainly because it inconceivable that I didn't have the right ones, given my collection... <sigh>.
  5. Great UI work is great, no matter from whether it comes - all back to SAA/CUA. OK, so the hd800 is coming. I'm going back to sleep, and finishing the amp to go with. We'll see if it changes my life, or at least is somewhat on par with the he60, out of their new amp. Well, or the BH.
  6. It is within Sennheisers control to give us an updated release date, after puffing an earlier date at CES. TheDeliveryMan is the actual Product Manager, and has posted in those threads - he can, with about fifty keystrokes, give 100 early adopters, representing about $100k in direct revenue to Sennheiser an update on their committment. Oh, also within Senn's control to tell us the connectors - but someone graciously leaked that after the squeaking became intolerable to some - and Tyll was given the info for the betterment of all users, IF he is able to get the parts (we all allegedly can). True dat, however, that you cannot throw a rock at HF without hitting an agenda - so, might as well throw it hard. BTW, I am #9 on the HR list, unless cancellations (International or otherwise) have moved me up - but, I _should_ be in group 1.
  7. Not that it matters, since we are in hd800 range, but Alex is building a Poor Mans Stat Amp, just to see what the fuss is about... )
  8. 4th Mouser order in two days - .2r and .5r power resistors. Fail.
  9. And, true to form, I realized at 3am this morning, in a cold sweat, my latest $225 Mouser order did not include the 20 or so to-220 mounting kits... doh.
  10. Just outstanding. Unrelated, but I am buying an extra set of the PoMan's Stax Amp boards we are prototyping, mainly to meet volume, but it is a footnote should something wiggle that way.
  11. As in, 'who's your pabbi'? Well, good to know www.pabbi.com Coming Soon! might be valuable somewhere. My proper name is Allen, which a webBot somehow inverted to pabbi, by reversing and offsetting the letters, so that is how I got to it about 20 years ago.
  12. Must have been a Norseman who wrote the anagram generator - I always thought it to be Italian. One more opportunity to mess up another Mouser order tonight, but thank God PartsConnexion now carries the composite teflon pcb mount tube sockets. The Azuma chasis mount are great, but I decided to board wire rather than air wire, then realized I only had 2, not 4 - pics tonight, on the 'other' thread.
  13. The design goal is $300, using 6s4a tubes. No external heatsinking. We'll see how good we can do.
  14. We are in the process of prototyping a 'Poor Man's" electrostatic amp, which may have some pimping capacity, without as much risk, and no external heatsinking - still about a month away, if we get boards ordered over the weekend, so stay tuned there. It won't be a KGSS, but will be better than a Stax offering (we hope), and, will be (cheap) tube based.
  15. Most are still available, if you look hard enough. Even the 2sk389 can be found on occasion, and you can ping dgardner DIY RESOURCES - Kevin Gilmore DYNAMIC HEADPHONE AMPLIFIERS and POWER SUPPLIES about anything you can't find. One issue is the toroid, which VicMagnetics won't do anymore, but rSum will. Just not a project for the feint-hearted.
  16. I asked Pete in all honesty if he thought he could do any better, for any amount of money, which he thought not.... different, but, not better. It is just a special amp, no bullshit, no superlatibves. This amp speaks for itself with absolute authority.
  17. Monkey's Lambda Pro would really help on the Poor Man's Stat Amp in development... looking elegant, I might add.
  18. You cannot get anything cleaner, and the amount of power for headphones, even the k1000, is excessive. This is one of the, if not the absolute, best dynamic amps that money can buy. Read some more, than post again. Better yet, don't post again until you have heard one.
  19. Don't mind me, god damnit, it is a 300b. It is the tung oil fumes, I swear.
  20. I think this is a really stellar idea, and for someone who has given a LOT to the DIY community, but see where the non-DIY won't give a rat's. That Don has stepped up on this is great, and Alex a very worthy recipient. Don, I'm in at $50... maybe more.
  21. Dayum, my bad - all that Tango and James iron was on the stinking 308b amp - and the 307a is indeed Electraprint, at least everything besides the choke, because, and I quote, 'Jack does not believe in power chokes'.
  22. Well, I'm sure I need something...
  23. We'll see about that...
  24. Anyone (other than Spritzer) up for doing proto work on the Poor Man's Electrostatic Amp? It's over yonder...
  25. Specializing in exotic hardwoods of the World They also have an Ebay store... http://cgi.ebay.com/XXF-HUGE-WALNUT-FIGURED-LUMBER-2521L-EXOTIC-WOOD_W0QQitemZ360129433130QQihZ023QQcategoryZ84011QQtcZphotoQQcmdZViewItemQQ_trksidZp1742.m153.l1262 They will be able to help - though Honduras Rosewood would be cooler, or Cocobola.
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