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Everything posted by pabbi1

  1. Me hate you both long time. Await the wrath of Warthog.
  2. Well, if full up Eagle isn't gonna sim power supplies better than what he is using now, I'm not sure about bang for buck - and, let's remember Ferrari is more interested in esoteric designs than meat and potatoes. No matter to me, as I'm a sushi guy, but, if Alex really thought an Eagle upgrade would meet 99.5% of his need, he'd just buy it. Which begs the question - what tool would better help him simulate and troubleshoot circuits? Autoroute? Long time since I looked at sim s/w. But, he was not a happy camper Saturday when we found a material weakness in the PM psu. Having said that, not sure any s/w solution would help when assumptions, well, accept a calciulated risk.
  3. pabbi1

    TKD pot

    TOKYO KO-ON DENPA 2CP-601S 100K VOLUME CONTROL - 1PCS - eBay (item 110370332389 end time Apr-03-09 01:34:50 PDT) The cp2508 have really grown on me, making me really wanna try the cp65... well, except for all the damn cheap DACTs and the 41 step balanced thing Marc is working on (and I'm suckered in once again - such a willing victim). We'll see how it turns out.
  4. A-10 will always be 'warthog' to me - and, true to form...
  5. pabbi1

    TKD pot

    http://www.tkd-corp.com/02_products/pdf/p04_p65cs250.pdf TKD P65 gives me serious wood. It is rk50 class, at half the price. Waiting for a complete Spritzer freakout...
  6. Just to add another kudos, we were up with Alex until after Midnight last night troubleshooting the psu for the PM stat amp. I am in for another $25 - just sent.
  7. In looking at the Goldpoints, now 3+ years old, it looks like they are SPC Multicomp (your 3rd link), based on the external visual with the usual caveats (my poor vision, etc), but no way to affirm without pulling one, which ain't gonna happen.
  8. Yes, the greatest evah... like I say, I never return anything, and am sure the hd800 are a long time resident at mi casa. In the end, I seriously doubt there are many returns, except... There is a VERY unrealistic expectation that these will sound great at the end of some very undeserving chains, like Sony DVP -> Creek obh11 -> hd800 - guessing there will be serious bang-for-buck angst in that case, thus where the concern is. What is heard about the hd650 (scales good, but ya gotta throw a lot at it to make that happen) will be true. Sadly, I think a good portion of the population fits that mode, where the phone will magically make everything better. And, the criticism may be valid - great phones, but will need additional investment. Too bad half the group buying ain't quite ready for that. This is a >$3000 expenditure, not "just" $1400.
  9. And the Dallas meets - I have yet to meet a selfish a-hat, and, in fact, rather surprised we haven't seen any - well, other than the ones that back out at the last minute... Just teasing, guys. It never ever occurs to me to return something, well, with ONE glaring exception...
  10. Tyll stated as much in one of the first threads on release - being scared of a lot of B stock. I contend that "cj" is a direct result of Sennheisers 'Seagull Marketing" - fly into CES, take a big dump, and flying off. A monthly status update would really help, but, being engineers, the idea just escapes them.
  11. I am not at all dubious about the decision, and want Senn to take whatever time it takes to do this right. This, for the record, is my 7th Senn headphone purchase, dating back to some hd414 in 1974 (high school), which were amazing compared to my radio shack something or another from circa 1970. What the angst is about is the lack of communication, or current perceived lack thereof, after all the hot puffing that we might see them in, ohhhh, February... nope late March... possibly April / May. Just give us a freaking date. That Senn has pooched this release (from a marketing and communication perspective) has not helped, especially when this should be a real crowning moment. ESPECIALLY when we stepped up in January with guaranteed payment and see the shiny video of these roolling off the production line, what, a month ago? Fortuitously, it has given me time to finish the amp to go with it. I strongly feel this will be a meh phone unless it has the source and amp to match.
  12. Scarily, Arn Roatcap @ Goldpoint may be the most knowlegeable, as this is all he does... then there are guys that do calculators, like Stepped Attenuator Resistor String Calculator - Neville Roberts, who may have considered these possibilities. Maybe the TwistedPear guys, though most everyone is just copying ALPS, Noble and TKD, or, so it seems. You would think there are more options than linear and log A, and I know HP does a lot of work with attenuation, though mostly NOT in an audio spectrum.
  13. USPS gonna help get that straightened out...
  14. Damn, you do nice work...
  15. I used 2 15k 50w resistors, and they got stinking hot... the other was 4k 25w. Nate, you'll be able to do this walking on water and pulling skiiers... dead simple.
  16. Colin that has to be a function of the amp... but the 950 is still likely the best of the lot from what I have heard. The real issue is the 404 v Lambda - jesus I hate the 404, almost as bad as the he.12b... BTW, everyone, I powered up the Poor Man's Stat amp psu tonight, and a rock solid 350v... not bad for a $70 set of parts. The whole thing will come in at under $300. Pics when it happens - oops, Spritzer has seen them, but keeping it all in house for now. Partial success on Saturday powering up parts of the 'other' stat amp... we'd be finished if we could get some shunt reg boards... in the meanwhile, Marc is hacking up a Twisted Pear digital psu to get it down to 15v from 18v. And, damnit, even a caveman, cromagnon or australeopithicus would be able to build a Poor Man's - stuffing boards literally took me < 10 hours. Then, 20 hours of casework later, and I'm about 70% done. Next crucial tests Wednesday - testing heaters and ccs, then seeing how stable she is.
  17. Well, I used the he1.2b with a BH, and liked it a LOT less than Spritzer, so... Nate, are you now, er, 'set' at psu?
  18. They have Xicon, which is what my local surplus guy mostly has, and on par with what Fry's has (you'd be surprised how poor the choices are there). Mouser is also a 2 day exercise anywhere in Texas, though usually next day for me (60 miles away). Oh, add this into the '%#@! I forgot' thread - and let me know when you top my '3 in one day / 5 in one week' order records for Mouser. Ain't just you...
  19. My company's 2007 Transfer Pricing Report - sweet Jesus, kill me. For fun, 'The Sand Pebbles' - picked it up (along with another 10 books) at an estate sale - just ten more first editions to go with the other 800 or so.
  20. pabbi1


    Now, now, that has all changed with the concept of LUBED condoms. Simply unbelievable - 'Just say no' = fail. Abstinence is NOT and option.
  21. Hey, I had three Mouser orders on Monday alone (and the bastards would NOT consolidate ANY of them) - and got only one yesterday... bastards. Oh, Marc, one of those orders was for you... and they would NOT consolidate even though it was 30 MINUTES after I punched the button - but, they did waive the shipping. I'll look at my regulators tonight - you may be in luck. Almost as cost effective for me to drive the 60 miles down there. Vulcan love... my heart is flame.
  22. That would make a GREAT name for a stat amp - all Norse like... a real candidate for a tat as well.
  23. I'd vote for hd800, and send extra to do so, but if the hd600 (over hd650), plus Eagle would leave enough for some Lambda Pros, I think there is a winner, It is also an investment for him to have a range of phones with which he can hear his amps, at least the ones he builds. But, I still think the hd800 would make the statement for how we feel about his work.
  24. Does that mean you can put your psu back together, or, is it a fail? Jesus, and I thought the rSum was big...
  25. pabbi1

    TKD pot

    I had something like that, but think it was the 6n1p tubes that were the culprit - but, whatever it was, it all cleared out at ~150 hours of burnin (yeah, I'm skeptical also), and have been flawless ever since. Damn sure better than any rk27 I've ever used. There is an oddity about mine, though, and it still pisses me off, but, for another time...
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