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High Rollers
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Everything posted by pabbi1

  1. That is some pretty inspirational stuff - now to find the right wood to make some, after my dozen previous aborted attempts at Senn wood covers. The teak is nice, but I'm feeling some Mesquite, or maybe Tulip wood. Looks like I'm fixin to add a scroll saw to the shop.
  2. Because Sennheiser can't pull their head out of their ass far enough to tell us when actual production units will ship? But, whenever it is, I'm <#9 at HR.
  3. All vintage guitars use nitrous-cellulose lacquer, but the only real effect would be on acoustic instruments, specifically the top, back and sides of the 'box' part, where they are typically finished on the outter shell anyway. I agree with Nate, as I cannot imagine any impact the finish would have wrt sonic properties. If you use a nice wood, hand rubbed (real) tung oil is hard to beat, where wipe on poly is indestructible.
  4. I hate k1000 and all Grados - but, who is Erik? The same guy who thinks wire doesn't matter? Fuck me, I'm convinced.
  5. Happy b-day, Kevin - hopefully, you are doing something fun.
  6. Boy, and if you don't... probably calibrated an everything.
  7. Love breaking out all over...
  8. Yeah, obviously thinking Casino protection... oy. Looks like I need to order a driver also, but gonna have Alex take a quick look first. Mine worked fine at a meet, then shipped them off to a buyer, where, they no longer worked fine. No biggie, just annoying, but since I _hate_ the 650 anyway...
  9. I smell big money - maybe anything to keep you from showing us pics after that baby is opened up?
  10. From: D****@senn****m Sent: Wednesday, February 18, 2009 1:28 PM To: pa***t; R*****m Subject: Re: Fw: Online Visitor Service Email - SERVICE Yes you can. These are part 092855 at $42.15 ea. That's what Senn quoted me for a hd650 driver
  11. A trip back through the late '60s...
  12. Yes, current projects first (been thinking they would be done months ago), but the DHT is the final frontier... now, where _are_ those $#@! shunt regulators? This Warthog is a direct marketing shot, but not over the bow - broadside - though, admittedly, with different design goals. Ain't no one designing a bling case for it, but I'm gonna pimp one, Special Forces like.
  13. Yeah, I have the two matched quads, and the 3 spares, which was about $600 all in. May just recase the BH, fix the stinking high bias kickout on the right channel, then shootout with Vulcan and the Poor Man's amp (both 6s4a based). Marc has been forward thinking enough to allow Vulcan to use el34, so, if the parallel 6s4a doesn't have enough umpf, well, a another version may be in order. Or, may just use add the new psu(s) to BH for a little extra power reserve. No freaking shortage of 'opportunities'. No illusions about the Poor Man's (codename Warthog), but will be curious exactly what % performance of the top flyers can be delivered for $300 in parts, with $4 tubes, and easy enough for ANY DIYer to build. Once the circuit is stable, seriously, it is a 10 hour build, plus casing. OHHHH - and for those of you wanting a true upgrade Stax socket, Marky-Marc has delivered. End of discussion.
  14. No shit, though mine never burned anything up, it just wouldn't bring up the entire channel with the not-so-well-matched el34 (even though they were supposedly matched xf2). The JJ are really well matched, and what I would use as a baseline tube that works, and is OK, but lowest common denominator. The SED are clearly a step up, then xf4 a step up again. My best experience is with the xf2 (and I have a group of 7 FS "elsewhere", including one matched quad, as Marc can attest), and a matched quad in the BH currently (also fs elsewhere). I also tried the JJ kt77, which just yielded wild offset numbers, so, the experience was under 5 minutes. Could well be the fauxed channel as she sits now, but the old circuit seems to not like that tube. I just got tired of the el34 Dragon Chase, so I'm going to a circuit with 6s4a, where I bought my last batch of 20 NOS for $16, shipped. Even using them paralleled (x8), it is a fraction of what even the shit el34 sell for.
  15. I picked up a dovetail jig... tired of all my exotic stuff lying around, and tired of f'ing with aluminum.
  16. I have two indoor cats, but he can jump my 8' fence in the back yard, where my other two can't. I try that every time this happens (3x a year), but he kills 10x the # in rats, as we have a power easement behind the house, so, bad and good. Regarding consumption, the dastardly act happened on the mat in front of the door - guessing he dumped the head, rather than consuming, but it was more like the fore legs and forward, though I have watched him consume baby rats (3" body) whole. Watching the more cruel things on animal planet (orcas after a sperm whale and her calf, or the baby hippo being eliminated by his uncle) help put this in perspective, but I wish he would somehow be uninterested in rabbits. Good thing the baby squirrels can bite.
  17. Hosted by Yahoo - go figure... which file?
  18. I went out to the mailbox today, and heard a little rustling in the bushes next to the house. Knew immediately, and visually verified it was Momma Rabbit, who is a regular in the hood. I see her out grazing every night, and it makes for a country feel in the middle of Dallas... along with the squirrels, hawks (that love squirrels and rabbits), and the occasional bobcat, who loves anything furry, including household pets. Well, I step into the bushes trying to get Momma to move along, but, I think the babies were close by, and, perhaps her burrow (or one of) is next to my house - haven't yet checked. So, Raoul, http://home.swbell.net/pabbi/Raoul1c.jpg, goes out late afternoon, as is his usual. About 30 minutes later we hear a cry - definitely a baby in total distress, just not sure immediately what it was. I was hoping it was one of my other animals caught in a closet. Not so much. Nope, the action was at my front door, where the mighty hunter deposited his trophy - and awaited his praise, which was NOT forthcoming. So, the result - 50,000 years of domestic cat DNA meets small furry. The Easter Bunny is dead. Do NOT chase the link unless you demand picture. http://home.swbell.net/pabbi/ebunny.jpg I has a sad.
  19. Yeah, my bad - Eagle is just a layout / router. I did get confirmation today he has excellent sim resources, so SPICE, OrCad, etc wouldn't be of use either. That said, the sim software is NOT our current problem - it seems the 5% parts, NOT being matched is causing drift for edge conditions. That all said, not sure what the Eagle gives Alex other than bigger boards and more components, unless I am clueless again, which I'm OK with, since I am long removed with circuit sw tools. But, I placed my vote, and we'll see what comes from it all.
  20. Let me add one thing: Given the current state of the Poor Man's sim issues with Eagle, I was able to subtly (and in the context of the current development) inquire if, in his opinion, the full up Eagle (or some other tool) would be of any benefit. He did not indicate he thought it would, perhaps thinking I was suggesting him buy it. Nonetheless, I get no feel that he thinks Eagle is worth paying for. Nor did he respond to my query about what other tools might be better, so we have no input about how he values the simulation tools, especially after Eagle has 'failed' to date in the Stacker II and Poor Man's Stat amp simulations. Another factor is the availability of the hd800 - no man knows the hour (day / month / year) they will be available, but should know by the end of April, and maybe even the April in this year. I still vote hd800, and will do so properly in email.
  21. Certainly you meant dot_Nyet. This is really intreresting, even here in Texas, from the Asian side. In China, kids are required to take 'English' names in the first grade. A very 'close' co-worker of mine, Ximei (pronounced here in Texas 'Zu-May), goes by Sophia (except I refuse - and use Ximei - much to her chagrin). Interesting as she had another name selected early on, but loved Sophia Loren, and aspired, within OUR culture, to assume her personna. Of course, she is all fucked up about culture - being from Bejing, and quite well educated and sophisticated (not a interior back country type), yet caught here between her background, the Catholic church, and rampant American materialism (which isn't so different from current China). The only comment she could muster from all this is that we are a fucked up culture, because no matter what anyone thinks, we are all bigots in some way. Then observed we are no different here than anywhere else... before launching into how much she hates Japan(ese)... but, she is way cute, and freaking adoreable, so she can think whatever the fuck she wants as far as I am concerned. My Korean friends just laugh it off as 'another stupid (and inferior) American'. Ain't just Terrel, Texas or Bejing... I had staff in 6 locations on 3 continents, and this shit happens everywhere. The Texas redneck is too soft a target. Now, the fucking rookie cop doing the Plano bigtime was something to really get the blood boiling...
  22. Vintage guitars all had sanding sealer for mahogany, as the most tried and true method, with nitrous cellulose on top. Mixed with analine dye, and anything is possible. Me, I just use 100% tung oil (not tung 'finish', which is linseed mostly) up to about 6 coats, sanding in between each, and live with the result. Absolutely perfect on rosewood, cocobolo, bloodwood, mesquite, maple and walnut. Liveable with mahogany, bubinga, padouk, etc. Oh, and real tung oil is nowhere near as wretched smelling as the cheap partial variants.
  23. DHT = Serious Wood!
  24. Better to have had, and lost... or somesuch. But, dayum... just dayum.
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