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Everything posted by pabbi1

  1. Pretty sure they are the ODU - Alex has them on hand, and we'll know the same day I get the cable. Won't be long now. And, of course, he is making me an APS v3, so we'll see if the stock is really all that, or if aftermarket has a place in this phone.
  2. Speaking of Part #532758, I received an invoice today for $163.28 paid, and shipped from Senn USA via UPS. Should see the cable on Wednesday, at the latest.
  3. Any store with exotic lumber should have a complete supply (Woodcraft, etc), and I'd think CHI-land would have some independent wood stores. I have never ordered finishing online, but I only use 100% Tung (or as close as possible) anyway.
  4. I prefer Cook in Oregon, but Global is in NY for East Coasters. eBay My World - cook-woods eBay Store - GLOBALWOODS INC: WOOD TURNING EXOTIC WOODS, THUYA BURL, SNAKEWOOD
  5. Part number: 532758
  6. Yeah, Pete had the speaker outs feeding a patch into the k1000, so... dunno... think I also listened to it with my hd600 (this was back in January), and don't remember if he had a pre in the chain or not - can't tell from my pics.
  7. Nope, per Pete the Tango iron by itself was $1000, and the 300b probably at least $300, then all the other naughty bits about $400 ish, leading me to guess he has at least $1700 in it, with no accounting for design or labor (sadly). Nope, busy chasing 307a, 7w7 and 5v4, and looking at James OPT and Power, One-Electron (choke), and Sescom (interstage) iron. Maybe 83 or 866 if I can find them reasonably to cook mercury into vapor. There is, and can be, only one. But, Naaman, the 300b can be found on Pete's site: Unnecessarily complex 300B amp
  8. Senn USA took my order a month ago... should be here any day now, since the hd800 have shipped to Senn USA, verified by Senn.
  9. Nope, it is a HP amp, but might run small speakers. We were using it with K1000, which I don't like to begin with. But, super cool amp.
  10. And me... no interest. No interest in the hf-1 before, not even for speculation.
  11. Stuff for Marc - well that he doesn't need anymore... 517-952-10 .100 SHUNT BLUE 505-MKS21/50/10 50V 1.0uF 10% 630-HLMP-D150 Red Diffused (some for him, some for me) Mine 6x 7w7 71-CP5-J-75 5watts 75ohms 5% 660-SPR2LT521R224J 2W 220K 5%TR 71-CP10-J-500 10watts 500ohms 5% 660-MOS5L103G 5watts 10Kohms 2% 660-MO2LT631R473J 2watts 47Kohms 5% 71-RS533K1% 33K Ohm 1% 5W 782-TSOP34836 2.7-5.5V 36kHz 6x Amperex 6s4a EMC 215 Tube Tester (Actually a trade for tubes) Mavs-Nuggets Game 4 tix
  12. Yeah, after hearing the 307a, nothing else makes any sense, even the unheard $1500 Raven... plus, the thought of going arcy-sparky with some mercury vapor makes me shiver with antici-pation.
  13. Oh, ho... maybe if you have the right amp, but it has already cost me another $1500 in amp parts, and I might plunk another $2000 if that isn't enough (especially since the $2000 is a known path - the $1500 was a flyer). And I have an aftermarket cable at the ready, so we'll see if it is better than the $163 stock cable, of which I have ordered a spare...
  14. Well, I am here and there, so just put me on your ignore, because a Sennheiser cluster fuck doesn't go down so smooth at my house. And, I haven't seen any posts deleted, nor the thread shut down, so no violations of TOU. I'd suggest those 'so annoyed' by the thread to avoid it - it will get uglier - and, really that is why you read it - just to see how ugly it can get. I believe it more reflects the reality of what is happening moreso that the Pollyanna scenerio. Agree or not, but Sennheiser is screwing the pooch, and all anyone wants to say is "How nice", or "Animals don't feel pain the same way we do' or 'poor Mom & Pop Sennheiser'. Who is kidding who - customers have no reason to question why a production ready phone keeps slipping? Really? No communication offered at all, except the random moving leaks - played like a virtuoso well versed in beguiling the faithful. Everyone realizes we are dealing with a 60 year old PRECISION German manufacturer that is an industry leader? And they can't source materials - really? All their 500 other products are still shipping. Would anyone buy this of Mercedes or BMW... well, that is exactly what is being asked. The GLOBAL economic meltdown gives everyone cover? Uh, no. Not really, almost completely unrelated, based on the 500-1000 presales already spoken for. That is the convenient excuse of every incompetent CEO running for cover - so 'Atlas Shrugged'. Sorry, Tyll, I know your nuts are being squeezed on this, but that Sennheiser is fucking you over has not escaped the discussion either. I would save this for 'over there', but since people keep bringing me up 'over here', light me up over here - oh, and I can't say fuck over there. Light me up to my face - but, I will light back, until shovel, basement, and timeout, or worse. Bottom line: Sennheiser has a cluster fuck of some sort, and all that has been asked is communication. But, because of panic, or lawyers writs, or plain old German arrogance, none is forthcoming. Senn wants to keep the hype machine flowing, and now has >91,000 hits for hd800, damn near all referencing gushing reviews. Senn wants their advertising for free, and, they ought to pay at least something for it.
  15. Is that Beely in red? Boy, how did the hd800 thread go Greek? Butt, since we are all bent over for Sennheiser...
  16. No, no... that's McAllen and Reynosa, or Eagle Pass / Acuna... maybe next time, but it's the pederasts that are the real problem - though, I did forget the frat boys Greek wrestling in the men's room at the tex-mex place. Just part of the zoo that is 6th street. ps - still trying to decipher that photo...
  17. DIY Jam would be as good as it gets... THAT would certainly trim down the riff-raff... or, is that limit it to said? Either way, needs me some (more) of that... Synopsis: Electrostat, f5, dovetail, tube tester, Tascam, Smith & Wesson 4422, router, Frys, Tex-Mex, 6th Street, Speakeasy, tequila / vodka, (000s of) girls in short skirts, *snorefest, toons, pancakes, Frys (x2), RatShack, solder, donkey shows, pedophilia, IR sensor, balanced / dual mono / dual stereo, hd600 / k1000 / hd580, 3a fuses, sushi, Woodcraft, Happy Trails, DPS, thunderstorms. *Steve had me on gain, and lower end, but I spanked him in mid-range and PRaT.
  18. Looking on eBay now for a geiger counter... when we have the hd800, maybe we'll do two full days - listening and building. Gracias to Marc and his charming wife (and the next generation of DIY) for tolerating such an event... and, Marc has to be the most overbooked guy in DIY, if not the most technically challenged - him choosing challenge, as opposed to me being challenged by electrical idiocy. Oh, and not to just consider current projects - nexGen talk is never far behind. DIY is not a destination, but mercury vapor tubes are in my near-distant future.
  19. Jesus, I'll never learn... lo siento.
  20. pabbi1

    CanJam 2009

    Anyone know how to buy a couple of segments on Southwest? Saving my AA miles for something pricier.
  21. This will be a VERY good timing - Alex seems a bit down wrt the Poor Man's amp. A real challenge, to date, and seems to be weighing on him a bit.
  22. Kevin Gilmore [email address removed pending permission] _might_ work...
  23. I call bullshit - especially after shaking the pads off a pair of hd600 with Ray watching, his face twisted up like KG was fisting him. He was clearly in shock, and contemplating calling 911... or Beely, not sure which. I think he was mainly worried the Raptor was gonna burst into flames. Great graphs, both, exception noted.
  24. OutSTANDING! Just Photoshop in some hd800, and piece de resistance!
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