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Everything posted by pabbi1

  1. Well, being a shit eating lackey myself, Art has helped me with my E5 transport 3 different times, for naught more than $7 (total) in shipping, which I daresay is better than most would treat someone they owed nothing to. Little do I care what he gets in return, as my problem got fixed, and I dig my source. In fact, I bought the E5 before Art burst onto the scene, mostly on Jay's recommendation. Otherwise, who gives a fuck? We all know his bias, which seems no worse to me that the average RSA / Grado / SP / Grover flameboy on H-F.
  2. If you choose to pass, would you forward me the offer? As an aside, the McAlister EA-6 will be back to me this coming week to shoot out against the BH and ES-1, but it is hard to imagine the EA-6 will better either of bH/ES-1, but the real issue will be what % of each is it to determine bang for the $$$$.
  3. My EA-6 is still MIA, but I don't really care, since the build quality is, uh, well, underwhelming, even for the insanely cheap price. I would post pics, but that would impede my ability to sell it.
  4. Nope, word is that it will be a two box solution...
  5. Per a ravenous consumer on HF, Justin is making an upgrade version of the BH - any clues? Justin, would you comment?
  6. OI went for $3600 + boxing / shipping. Such a deal.
  7. Alex offered more than $4k when last they were 'available', but found two pair of NOS in Europe for about $4k each... that was a couple of months back. They are worth $2k to me, but know some drooling knuckle dragger will pay 2-3x that. But, if I get lucky, well... but, I have amp issues to fry. BTW, my HE60 / HEV70 was $1450, shipped, in September, with new pads and a new headband, and one went on eBay last week at ~$1300, though NOT with new pads.
  8. I understand his reserve is $4k, and seriously thinks they'll go past $6k... so, I bid $2k. I believe Alex offered him a wad last time, but that was before he had secured a pair...
  9. Enjoying that Wheatfield (sniff), are you?
  10. The EA-6 rolled pretty sweet with the Raytheon short getter 6cg7 recommended by Hirsch - especially compared to the mix and mismatch tubes sent with it... good tubes always play better than, well, crap.
  11. Pete always answers me as well, albeit with a few days lapse. I ran a 7236 (with Senns) and it lasted about a year and a half of 25+ hours per week. I had a 421a for low impedence (for the few times I ever used Grados).
  12. Good news (for me) is that the choice of tubes seems to have more reasonable prices than the more trendy ones, so rolling won't be as painful as in the past (Wheatfield HA-2). Or, maybe I'm just being snobby... but, yes, new glass in inbound.
  13. Yep, not totally thrilled with the exemplary selection of Realistic tubes.... and wondering if some better glass will sound better? 1x12BQ6 5x6BQ6 4x6CG7 2x12AT7 It was nice of Customs to take several tubes completely out of the boxes for me, to save all that unpacking time. But, there are places this sounds absolutely spectacular (this amp LOVES NIN - Pretty Hate Machine)
  14. Well, the EA-6 has landed - Homeland Security is definitely keeping us safe from Canadian headphone amps... But, all seems well so far... still acclimating. Preliminary: Outstanding on accoustic cuts (Dire straits - Why Worry), and not quite ready to rock (Skynyrd, Devo, Jet). Next up: Allison Krauss, Janes Addiction, Velvet Revolver, NIN... we'll see. Proceeding with the Blue Hawaii build so far, as I haven't heard anything that says 'Don't bother'. Of course, i didn't hear that with the ES-1 (Rob, aka bahamaman) or the HEV90 (McManus) either.
  15. Creek OBH-11 - a loud, crude beast.
  16. There is yet another McAlister not yet on the web site - POST EA-4 ( EA-X?), which is in the ~$1700 range (refer to McAlister for pricing). Peter is building mine this week, and I hope to see it by Labor Day weekend. I'll be doing a mini-shootout with Rob (bahamaman) and his ES-1 with OII, and Alex (AKZip) with our respective HE60 shortly thereafter just to see where we all are. Now, if only I could find a panel mount HE60 jack...
  17. So, maybe I'm not overruled by 'the judges'... my bad. God, I hope that amp sounds sweet - since the deposit is down, and I can't help but dream about the 13 tubess, wailing away on my HE60... now, if only i could locate a HE60 panel mount jack... More on topic: Peter mentioned an adapter for the Koss (ESP-950?) -> HE60 (or HE90?) - anyone have any knowlege about this?
  18. Fine by me, after all it IS your board. _BUT_, I have ordered the post EA-4 model - and am not yet at liberty to disclose the details. BUT, it damn sure made sense to me, with inside info. Philodox: Do ping me privately IF you get to listen to it - I know there is (ONLY) one ahead of me, and you will be the first to actually get to hear it...
  19. He mentioned it here, in the middle of being pedantic - you just thought he meant the EA-4. I'd prefer EA-5 to go with my E5, but that's just me being anal. I just want it to be (at least) as good as an ES-1... for a quarter of the price.
  20. Uh, no, there is yet another that Philo was referring to...
  21. Is there a name for the new design? BTW, I have one on order...
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