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Everything posted by pabbi1

  1. Please, Santa? Many have been good this year, and need something to spend Christmas funds on...
  2. Yes, indeed - mine are wrapped and under the tree - waiting for Alex to get back from Norway...
  3. Laugh all you want - A.P.S. _balanced_ RP-21, with leather Beyer pads...
  4. Oops, my bad... forgot the trafo... with trafo in my existing case was about $220 ($175 +$45) - I always forget about adding in stuff that I already have sitting around, but still, let's call it $300, without USB or Ballsie.It also helps we have an EXCELLENT surplus store here in Dallas that blurs my costing. Tanners and Altex just make things a whole lot ea\sier and quicker, well, and cheaper. BTW, if anyone wants a Ballsie, digital supply, and trafo (reasonable), lmk, as I chose NOT to implement the Ballsie path.
  5. Then you will be needing some of this - the user reviews are the best.
  6. Granted, I am the last perspon here to comment on a DAC, but the OPUS is _at least_ up to the E5 / Zap Filter out I just turned over, with arguably more artifacts - cartainly no worse than. Now, once I get some competent balanced dynamics (the Denon 2k ain't that can), I can better try it against the Azur 840c. Not fair, and not the same quality, but _for the relative $$_ , a VERY competitive choice. This from a $60 dvd transport... In practice, the OPUS is a legit contender in the sub $400 space, and can be done for not much more than $250, powered, depending on casing and jewelry. Since mine is with the amps, it was right at $200 implemented with a receiver.
  7. Alex offered me some at a really good price, but I always come back to the HE60... and now something dynamic to go with the MillettMaxx. I thought I had a deal on one off Agon, but we didn't quite synch up. It is only a matter of time, though the BH is biased at 560v, so how will that sound without me rebiasing back and forth? I guess it's time for Alex's bias switching mod... <sigh> Doh! Just saw your email - still fighting a nasty cold I caught last week in London...
  8. Yeah, sorry, wrong project...
  9. Well, Congrats, Marc... cannot wait to see and compare... what tubes?
  10. I was thinking this was just Christmas spirit, invoking all the real names and such. Good times.
  11. More Equation Audio RP-21, to get them balanced to go with the MillettMaxx OPUS monstrosity. The search for decent balanced closed headphones continues. Booma, you were right - the D2000 just aren't that good (5k are better, just not to me for this application), and after whipping out the Equations on the road again, just gotta try balanced - at $80 shipped, why not throw a $200 balanced cable at 'em? Oops, and \I gotta get those Beyer leather pads, maybe the red... After traveling for a week in London, that is not even a measurable blip on the radar.
  12. I looked at the KT77, which LOOKS like a direct, but who knows? Other than the new production JJ, there is only the old Gold Lions, and VERY pricey... calling Spritzer or Justin.
  13. Yeah, that is an aesthetic invisible tube... extra parts will do that sometimes. I think the dust adds a little grit to the sound - great for classic rock and blues... Regarding the sticker, it isn't that prominent without the flash - and didn't really pay attention to it. I think it is more a hologram type thingie, but the listening was more important, as I was also troubleshooting the OPUS DAC on another project, which is distorting on the right channel. More on that later... I'll follow up tonight, assuming we don't drink too much, and deploy any airbags - boss is in town, and he apparently needs to do some drinking.
  14. Not yet... I definitely noticed quite a bit more with Alison on 'New Favorite' - definitely more air and presence in her vocal - along with just a far clearer presentation. And the lyrics are stunningly clear on 10000 Days - this is a keeper. Pity that I head for a week in the UK on Saturday...
  15. That is a REALLY interesting question. The E5 has a Zap Filter, so they sound remarkably similar so far - just now listening to some more precise stuff - there is a bit more (gag) 'air' and precision to the Azur, and I have yet to have any extreme 'Oh, shit, that is wild' moments. Of course, it has only been running for about an hour so far EXCEPT for Rhianna 'Breakin Dishes', which is just outstanding studio wizardry that only the upsampling seems to have brought out. Vocals are far smoother, both male and female - no tradeoff. Bass may be just a smidge tighter. Just now creeping through Tool, where there are a few more artifacts and just absolute precise PRAT. While the E5 / Zap is accurate, the 840 has an extra degree of precision - just not sure how many extra decimal places, and not sure I can hear them all. The output is definitely less so I am cranking the BH to 12:30 where I usually listen around 11 or so. Off to Alison Krause next, then DEVO and Zappa (Joe's Garage or Sheik Yerbouti) where there will be some artifacts to possibly uncover. Finally, I just HATE the E5 transport, and could I have found a direct replacement would have likely kept it until the end of time. Now the question over the next year will be: Which mods to this player will have the greatest impact, and will I be able to notice? Too bad the OPUS DAC I have is fucked on the right channel - replacement incoming, so I'll shoot them out later, with help from others.
  16. HIM - And Love Said No Rhianna - Good Girl Gone Bad GNR - Greatest Hits Tool - Opiate Velvet Revolver - Libertad
  17. Died with Zappa. Wilco / Tweedy / Son Volt / Farrar / Uncle Tupelo - what the fuck, and who cares - one soggy bag of shit. Big local favorite is the Old 97s - Rhett Miller is cute, and all, but really. DT - I have 'Scenes From a Memory' - will mail it to anyone who will pay the postage - really. My only quibble so far is The Stones - always a grittier alternative during the Rutles years. 'Sticky Fingers' rotates for me weekly, As far as prog, I am shocked no one ragged on Tool, so now I don't have to scurry to their defense. Brian Johnson with AC/DC - that band died with Bon Scott. Finally, damn near everything that has shown up on SNL for the last 5 years or so... I ADORE Alison Krause on 'New Favorite', but can't listen to anything else she has put out - I can lay wrapped up in that all day long.
  18. http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-5864097001633806354&pr=goog-sl
  19. RK50 better than Penny & Giles? What is the approx cost?
  20. Grendel, er, KG appearance alert...
  21. Have you sent a PM today? J/c...
  22. Lots of pent up transactions - that is the true poiwer of Head-fi - the market.
  23. I have all my PMs through Aug 2006.
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