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Spychedelic Whale

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Everything posted by Spychedelic Whale

  1. I bet won't be as bad in Portugal with our 23% tax
  2. Try this page
  3. They seem to enjoy unboxing videos and there's nothing to say too.
  4. Got the 007 wrong, SR-007MK2 €2.588,00 SR-009 €4.704,00 SR-507 €931,00 SRM007tII €2.544,00 SRM-006tS €1.555,00 3 370$ for the O2, Jesus..
  5. My O2 are definitely from Japan, cardboard in Japanese and the box says fujiya-avic which is a store in japan I believe. Yes the prices are ridiculous compared... I'm starting to feel ashamed each time I visit the dealer because, I never buy anything and he is starting to give weird looks but at those prices he will never see me puling my wallet
  6. I only have some prices quoted by the dealer on some emails: Stax SR-009+SRM-007tII €5.750 Special santa promotion. 2050II Basic system II € 748,00 3050II Classic system € 1.228,00 4040II Signature system € 1.835,00 006 Limited +404 signature € 3.125,00 007 II €2200 This for Portugal.
  7. Are you only interested in on-line stores prices ? In my country most stores don't show their prices or don't have the stax products in the list but they sell them by contacting the Stax Dealer which is friend with most of the audio community and brings the stuff to the store by scheduling.
  8. Wow my first speakers ever, got them with my first PC and that was true hifi to me back then .
  9. I believe it's has been overlooked for being over exaggerated FOM over the other side but I find it to be one of the best deals specially for the used price and as for amping even from a mp3 player sounds not amazing but good. I find the sound stage about the same as the 007 too, after bending the headband so it doesn't clamp so hard and sits lightly made it more open. I just hate how much it weights ..
  10. Try this http://www.archive.org/web/web.php
  11. Why read if you can watch ? I doubt the youngster have any patient to spend time reading more than a 2 words article. I watched the end of the pod cast and it sees the guys were surprised with your reviewing eccentricity.
  12. How bad could it be to allow them to do research and still release a 4,5k headphone ? Something fishy here.
  13. The father of google, respect
  14. What about the less expensive burson 160 pairs well with them ?
  15. This DIY turntable made by an portuguese enthusiast reproduced the best sound I heard till this day. Vinyl is just lovely, if only I wasn't so attached to the practicality of digital.. Excuse me the image dumping.
  16. No fucking kidding it's Not safe for work.
  17. I believe some one from here reported good results with the peak, don't remember who.
  18. yep both are in Europe.
  19. I was thinking in ordering the panel works from modushop, is the FPE better ?
  20. X3 I'm gonna take this change to give the due impressions from the program. Even though I don't have that much of experience with dacs I compared it with a Northstar 192 and a Parasound 1100 HD, to my ears it suppressed both in every department. To me the secret of this dac is the ability to extract great detail yet keeping amazingly musical, the tonality of the instruments its the most close to natural, as in real life, I have heard. Maybe being a EE and musician really gives you some edge. There's no such thing as the fake airy feeling with forward treble and highs pretending it gives you more detail, plus the background was totally dark.The only problem I found was with the violometric200 and LCD2 in which I felt the mids a bit recessed, maybe amp at fault ? Not really a problem but at this price range compared with the new Lavrys,mytek and some others It comes short on functionality/inputs, specially with usb, but if this is the price to pay for premium sound so be it. That being said, its time to start saving.
  21. Just found this guys... amazing
  22. They have a new album din't know, cool. sounds good ? Edit:nvm its a live album.
  23. Any of you guys heard the 007 MKI with the neko DAC ? I'm looking for a new dac and I got to listen to it from the European Program and I though it was really good with my audio physic sparkle speakers which are a bit aggressive in nature but with the violometricV200->LCD2 honestly it was to dark. I though I would never say this, since I find pretty much everything bright but it happened. This could be due to the amp but I'm not sure.. I would be using it with a KGSSHV. Since the 007 is known as a dark headphone(even though the Z3 was dam bright) I'm afraid it will be like the lcd2 experience.
  24. Rhino / R1 26965 / Reissue / Vinyl Oh crap.. even ripped vinyl sounds awesome.
  25. Thanks Birgir, what about the fit/confort with the new headpad/arch its about the same ?
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