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Everything posted by tkam

  1. tkam

    Battlestar Galactica

    Fuck If this delays part of season 4 any more than they were already planning to I'm going to be seriously pissed off.
  2. tkam

    Mass Effect

    Nope my copy is shipping today and it'll be here tomorrow
  3. tkam

    Mass Effect

    Amazon's fine their shipping times can be long, but if you want stuff faster just suck it up and pay the $80 a year for the Prime service and get free 2-day shipping.
  4. Post will probably be the biggest but remember this is vBulletin so the default install has about 115 tables so theres plenty of choices . Also don't forget the image gallery, the DB for that could be rather large as well.
  5. Hey guys, I built a custom search index tonight it should make vast improvements in the quality of search results. Searching should be a little faster too.
  6. too fucking bad
  7. I think thats a yes.
  8. I have to agree with Tom on this one, the bass on "She's a Lady" is really pretty stunning. Though I like the 1812 Overture recommendation as well
  9. Even with the possible free evdo access, I still think it's a product for a small niche market. The whole idea of being able to buy and download a book pretty much instantly is cool but unless you're a really avid reader $400 seems pretty steep to me.
  10. tkam

    Mass Effect

    Ok who else is picking up Mass Effect tomorrow?
  11. I must admit I haven't worn a watch in years, always check my phone if I need to know the time.
  12. Yeah thats always fun, I remember when my current sub first arrived and at the time I was living in a townhouse and I had the HT setup upstairs. Lots of fun, dragging the 150 lbs up a flight of stairs. At least it slides pretty well on carpet . I'm actually getting rid of it soon if anyone wants it. Going to replace it with one of the new SVS PC-Ultra's. Much smaller footprint and weighs about 60 lbs less.
  13. Finished up the single player campaign, and while it is a bit short it's damn intense. The flashback sniper level completely owns. Oh and the bonus level it's pretty sweet too.
  14. It makes the message pane take up the whole width of the window when I collapse the columns and I'm using firefox
  15. You can collapse both the left and right columns. By clicking the the "minus" sign buttons to the right of the logout button at the top.
  16. Gallery is back up. If you run into any problems with it please let me know right away.
  17. Hey guys, the Gallery function is currently not working. Should be back up soon.
  18. They have a black model you know
  19. Both? Really though if games is your main concern the 360 has a much better selection.
  20. [update Nov 18 2007]: We have made significant progress in the past 24 hours. Please stay tuned.
  21. Correct the APL DAC will use the ECC99 but the modded UX-1 is for the time being the top of the line product they offer. The APL DAC will run about $4-5k vs the $20k+ that the nwo 3.0 is. They will be offering a total cost no object product sometime late next year that will be based on Esoteric's top of the line transport and mono dacs.
  22. Fixed. [img width=150 height=100 alt=modwright 023]http://www.head-case.org/gallery2/main.php?g2_view=core.DownloadItem&g2_itemId=58&g2_serialNumber=2&g2_GALLERYSID=1c1885db375d8ba90e57558a86afd3a1
  23. Thanks for pointing this out, I enabled this extra feature of the gallery without even testing it out. I've disabled it for now and will enable it again when its working.
  24. The whole idea of Black Friday is utterly stupid. Though it doesn't affect me much as I do as much of my holiday shopping online as possible.
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