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Everything posted by tkam

  1. Hmm I like it, I'll use it for now, thanks
  2. tkam

    Happy Turkey Day

    Happy Thanksgiving!
  3. It should play within the gallery if it was a supported format. So I guess its not.
  4. The HA-2? It's designed for high impedance headphones like 650s which it sounds great with but I'm really not sure it'd be the best choice for the L3000.
  5. I don't care much about a head-case link on the head-fi entry getting removed it's to be expected almost. There are also links on the headphone and headphone amp entries. If those get removed I'll start complaining.
  6. Honestly not sure you'll have to try it out.
  7. He co-locates the hardware, which means he pays the provider for rack or cabinet space, power and bandwidth. Everything else is his responsibility.
  8. Oh and the Gallery now supports Video: http://www.head-case.org/index.php/v/tkam/Which_one_.flv.html?action=gallery It currently supports the following video formats: asf flv quicktime mp4 mpeg wmv
  9. The Zana Deux or a SinglePower Extreme would be your two best options IMO. They'd both power all your headphones with ease. The Zana Deux also has multiple inputs and pre-amp outs, you could get that on the Extreme but it'd cost extra.
  10. Added Spell Check capabilities now. Should be a big help for those of you make lots of typos or just plain can't spell
  11. tkam


    Yep they sound really good too, they have a 256-step version out now but its much more expensive.
  12. tkam


    The 100-step volume control is probably one of these: http://eshop.diyclub.biz/index.php?cPath=85_186 I know he's used them in the past and it's what was in my sft built dynamight
  13. This costs well more than $390k: Yes it's quite a bit more than just a copy machine but he did say Xerox not copier .
  14. tkam


    The pics work fine for me as well.
  15. They are really nice tubes, one of my favorite 12au7's. They are also built to last which is nice when you pay more for a tube. Though I will say I don't think the price premium is that bad, I haven't checked in a while but over the last year or two I'd been able to buy them for $75/ea and $35/ea from two separate tube dealers.
  16. tkam


    Has anyone watched the new show Chuck? I watched last nights episode and thought it was kinda funny in a campy/cheery sort of way. Not a bad show but certainly not something I'd really care much about if I missed it.
  17. It also wasn't even posted in the right place
  18. It did take a while to build the index .
  19. Yep, pretty much every word in every post has been indexed. So there should be a lot more relevant results and as I mentioned searches should be much quicker. I will probably update the index on a fairly regular basis (say monthly for now).
  20. Oh also I think everyone should own one of these: http://www.newegg.com/product/product.asp?item=N82E16812232002 Best $20 I've ever spent.
  21. Awesome, now how does the interface work, a good squeeze to play/pause and a twist to change tracks
  22. When you buy the pre-made external drives, 9 times out of 10 when they die the drive itself is actually fine it's usually just the crap ass electronics inside them that die and most of the companies make it fairly difficult to get the drives out when that happens. For this reason I would go the route of buying an external hd case with whatever connections you want and sticking an internal drive in it. This way its much easier to remove the drive if something goes bad with the electronics in the case.
  23. tkam

    Mass Effect

    I kinda doubt they oversold, seeing as I just pre-ordered it yesterday.
  24. tkam

    Battlestar Galactica

    In other BSG related news, don't forget BSG Season 1 HD-DVD set comes out on the Dec. 4th. I've had my copy pre-ordered for months now.
  25. http://www.darkhorizons.com/news07/071119a.php Not good if it results in even more BSG delays.
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