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Everything posted by tkam

  1. Many states have similar laws now but honestly they are a complete waste. The problem with peopling talking on their cell phones isn't holding up the phone it's that driving and talking at the same time is too difficult a task for many people.
  2. Time to complain, as the ebay ad clearly says "**** This PAIR of speakers you are bidding on are in Black. "
  3. I'm curious as to what Meridian will charge you. Since the transport in the thing is just a $15 dvd-rom drive..
  4. It should be ok for doing very basic work, minimal web browsing, email and word processing. Other than that don't count on being able to do much very quickly. While Intel has hyped up Atom a hell of a lot it's really designed more for UMPC's and other ultra mobile/portable devices not laptops and netbooks. Via's Nano cpu is a much better cpu than Atom and hopefully will get more use in laptops and netbooks in the future.
  5. I wonder if it's only running a half-duplex when your plugging directly into the modem? Duplex mismatches are pretty common for causing slowness and other random network issues.
  6. I would check out audiogon and see what you can find used. Your options are pretty slim new, in terms of getting something that actually sounds good and will be up to par w/ the O2's.
  7. Do you have a budget in mind? Also what inputs do you want, spdif, usb, etc?
  8. yay power came back on this morning at 3:30 am
  9. Lots and lots of batteries
  10. Yeah part of the problem at least here is that many of the utility companies sent a bunch of crews down to Texas to help out so now they are all short staffed up here.
  11. water and hot water is all that does work
  12. Awesome no power @ home till thursday or friday
  13. The remnants hit Pittsburgh last night my power went out at about 9pm and it's still out @ home now. I'll be surprised if it's back on before tomorrow. Fucking Ike
  14. Boot Camp and Parallels seem to be the popular options.
  15. How does it sound?
  16. tkam

    slow forum

    Gina Gershon Strips Down Sarah Palin from Gina Gershon
  17. Yeah that's one of the problems with using those sorts of screws, half the time you end up having to drill them out when they get overtightened.
  18. I actually really like the Extreme
  19. Yeah I agree with this people to tend blame gain issues on amps but I think a good bit of the time it's because of really high output levels from sources. A good example, my modwright 9100es has a pretty damn hot output with my KGSS it's almost too loud at about 9 on the SA. When I had my APL 3910 in the chain I had much greater usable range on the SA, and the APL 3910s output is right at 2V.
  20. I kinda doubt it, outside of the modded Transporter most of Dan's focus is on his own line of gear.
  21. For Sony it's actually pretty solid you can see the dampening MW adds in this pic: I've got no idea what those silver little blocks are but that's the only dampening going on that I can see.
  22. So who wants to build the kit for me if I buy one?
  23. Nah honestly Abit boards have been pretty shitty the last 2 years or so and they've been hemorrhaging money due to that and increased competition. So it's not a huge surprise that they are leaving the market.
  24. You won't be using Abit mobo's any longer seeing as they are getting out of the business. I've had extremely good luck with Gigabyte motherboards the past few years and plan to continue using them exclusively. So what I did today, had a few meetings, fixed a few servers and then spent 45min on the phone with Verizon getting them to fix my bill, again. On the plus side I did get my fios upgraded from 15/2 to 20/5.
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