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Everything posted by tkam

  1. Their contact us e-mail address is: [email protected] Now if that doesn't say "i'm a scammer" I don't know what does Regarding suggestions for closed phones, in my recent quest to find a pair of phones that'd be a nice alternative my 650s I picked up a pair of JVC DX1000s used. I'll post some impressions after they get here.
  2. unfortunately i have no doubt that he has
  3. that's pretty much par for the course
  4. Chuck certainly has a better shot at coming back at this point. Dollhouse is pretty much toast for sure, the season finale was the lowest rated episode of the whole season.
  5. I've never understood the whole facebook/myspace craze and even less so the twitter craze. They all seem totally fucking useless.
  6. of course not and this new one isn't even shipping till later in the summer
  7. Why not just get a multi-function copy/scan/print device? Probably be a lot cheaper.
  8. So supposedly this new larger format Kindle, at the press event on Wednesday they'll be some folks from NYTimes and a few universities. There's been some talk that the larger format version was done with direct input/involvement from the NYTimes. Maybe they're finally waking up to the fact that the print is dying and print/delivery costs are killing them. I also see huge potential for universities and textbooks, though it'll probably be hard to get the textbook people on board. There was an article I read awhile ago that suggested NYTimes would make more if they stopped printing and gave every subscriber a kindle for free....
  9. Bought a Dynahi and a Neko Audio D100 a couple days ago, both arrived today
  10. I've used the beta's and it's a pretty nice improvement over Vista. It's certainly faster/more responsive when run on shitty hardware. Whether or not oct 23 is the release date will depend a lot on how the first RC goes. Which is already available to testers, MSDN members, etc.
  11. regarding your mail, i highly recommend using IMAP instead of POP3 if possible.
  12. stamped
  13. I'm going to give this dac a try, have one on the way should get here friday.
  14. That looks amazing. I'll be keeping a very close eye on this one depending on what the pricing ends up looking like.
  15. when i inquired about getting a dac from them i was offered the option of choosing between dhl or ems.
  16. if it was bought as an oem drive the warranty might only be 3 yrs
  17. Yeah get something from NewEgg, personally I'd recommend a Western Digital HD. I'd avoid Seagate's unless you don't mind updating the firmware when you get it. 500gig should be pretty cheap now, well under $100.
  18. right cause that'll save you.....
  19. yeah i'd think the rotten egg smell that they supposedly have from the beginning would have me getting them replaced long before they can corrode anything.
  20. Restore points can be pretty useful in cases where a newly installed driver or app totally hoses things. But it's not much use otherwise. I used to go the Ghost route but I find it fairly tedious and it doesn't really speed up the recovery process much. For most of my important data I make sure I have a copy on my main pc and my server. For stuff like my music I keep just on the server.
  21. Maybe Ray's outsourcing to China now?
  22. my hp c6180 died yesterday so i picked up one of these today: Canon MX860
  23. you could just make your cat an indoor cat.
  24. season finale Terminator Sarah Connor Chronicles
  25. Get spybot search & destroy here: The home of Spybot-S&D! and for free anti-virus software: Free antivirus - Avira AntiVir
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