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Everything posted by tkam

  1. I have to agree with this, while it is probably the best of the "W" series it still sounded echoey and somewhat incoherent. But again the only AT can I really like is the L3000
  2. I'm hoping they make another phone in the line of the L3000 sound, I'm not much of a fan of other AT's.
  3. Still sounds like a mechnical hum to me no amount of power conditioning can fix that. Best bet would be to have a DIY'er replace it for you.
  4. Figured it's about time to add my impressions so here goes... Heard the HF-1's finally, to me they sounded like a punchier, slighty more dynamic version of the 225s with a more polite top-end. Worth $200? Yes they are a nice entry into the Grado house sound. Worth the $350-$400+ they go for now? Absolutely not. I still think the k701s are pretty good headphones but I'm glad I sold them, just not enough bass to satisfy me over the long haul. The PPX3 Slam is a very nice amp and I'm glad I'm getting one (albeit a slightly upgraded one). Earl's Supra 392 was probably the highlight of the meet for me. Gobs of power and totally musical. A very nice amp indeed. Sounded heavenly with my apl philips as the source.
  5. Well there are supposed to be new Sonys in the $500-$700 range. Let's see what else, probably a new pair of Stax within a year or so. Hopefully Senns successors to the 650s will see the light of day this year. Thats about all I can think of off the top of my head.
  6. He turned down my offer to use a proxy . But yeah if they are blocking just all vBulletins thats pretty stupid. Not only is the forum software used here (Simple Machines) free its faster, more customizable and more scalable than vBulletin .
  7. Well I agree in principle that alot of audio gear is overpriced one of things you do have to keep in mind with someone like Meridian who has a large dealer network is that if they sold direct to consumers you can hack 50% off the price as thats the typical dealer markup. So don't put all the blame on the manufacturer...
  8. The new zhalou appears to be a pretty decent piece of gear from what I can see so far. I do wonder if they bothered to fix the dc offset issues though?
  9. tkam

    Ohio meet May 6th

    Yeah pretty much, Earl had mentioned there were a few new guys that might come but I don't think thats been confirmed.
  10. tkam

    Ohio meet May 6th

    Nice free food
  11. tkam

    new speakers

    Congrats, nice speakers. I'm predicting you won't be listening to your headphones for awhile . I know I havent picked up my headphones for 2+ weeks now
  12. Yeah I'd also heard about this being the case, but I think at this point really the blu-ray camp has a pretty good lead over hd-dvd. They have far more content producer support and the PS3 should be a big boost for support of the format.
  13. tkam

    new tool album

    Yeah I think its pretty good, admittedly haven't listened to it with headphones yet but it sounds pretty awesome with my speaker rig.
  14. Yep not very pricey though about $500 including shipping.
  15. Nice thats quite cool of HeadRoom . I really doubt you could do any better for $500.
  16. I like it better in black I think, also your pretty lucky that yours is on the way I know plenty of people that have been waiting a while for theirs to ship.
  17. bleh peanut butter.. I do like those zebra cakes though
  18. But you dont need to recable them, a simple retermination will do as the stock grado cable is two wires per channel.
  19. tkam

    Synergy List?

    Oh that reminds me Radii HAP-03 + HD600 is another very nice combo
  20. Something like the older version of the ack dack would be great. Theres a couple on audiogon right now... http://cls.audiogon.com/cgi-bin/cls.pl?dgtlconv&1150639771 http://cls.audiogon.com/cgi-bin/cls.pl?dgtlconv&1150640378
  21. tkam

    Synergy List?

    Melos SHA-1 + any grado = good syngery
  22. Why not just get the Max DAC for your amp?
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