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Everything posted by tkam

  1. Well there is a tube in there . Goes DAC -> 6h30 -> output transformers
  2. Nice analogy
  3. I will until someone proves to me that amps, sources and cables measure significantly different before and after burn-in.
  4. Interesting data, now only if you could find something similar for amps, sources and cables . Seriously though that doesn't surprise me much, it makes plenty of sense that drivers do physically change over a period time as they are used. However I still think a lot of "huge" and "night and day" changes people report is largely a factor of the ears and brain adjusting to a new sound.
  5. In my opinion I think probably only abot 5-10% of "break-in/burn-in" is actually physical, mechanical, or electrical changes. The leftover 90-95% is absolutely a persons ears and brain getting used to the new sound. If people want to consider the mental aspect of it part of the break-in/burn-in process I'm fine with that. I'm sure many people aren't fine with that which is why the "is burn-in rea"l arguements have an endless shelf life.
  6. From what I can tell he seems to like keeping things in the output stage as short and simple as possible. I bet all those active parts on the zapfilter drive him nuts .
  7. People are allowed to like something more than the K340's
  8. Welcome to Head-case, while I have no direct experience with any of Alex's modded 3910's I've been extremely happy with the modded Philips SACD1000 I have from him. I'm also eyeing the new DAC he has coming out . Those mods you listed sound very similiar to the mods he now offers for the Sony 9100ES and early reports on that unit is that it is a very nice piece.
  9. Yep thats quite true, my modded philips has lundahl output transformers and sounds pretty amazing, that being said I don't know anything about the transformers RAM uses.
  10. Well the tubes I use are the sylvania 6sn7w short bottles and they go for about $75 each. The metal bases are quite a bit rarer and cost much more, anyhwere from $150-$200 each.
  11. Sounds about right I've never heard a headphone from Ultrasone that didn't sound terrible.
  12. Yeah looks glued on and those transformers look kinda tiny.
  13. It's probably pretty good but I don't have any experience with the output transformers they use let alone any of their modded players.
  14. tkam

    Calling Reks!

    He did that himself actually. The cable is the original cable from his now recabled HP-2's.
  15. For all the RAM mods I've seen there is always a pair of op-amps doing the I/V before the transformers.
  16. As usual it was a fun time and it was nice to see everyone again. Oh and thanks to Adam for the donuts . The new DT880s sounded quite nice. The treble is toned down a bit from the older models and they actually have some decent bass . They easily compete with the 650s for the best phone in that under $500 range. I'd like to hear the new DT990s at some point as they also look quite interesting. The HP2's were great as they usually are, I really liked them with that 6gu7 tube in the gain spot that Earl brought along. It was nice to hear the zana deux again it really is a hell of an amp.
  17. Got my hotel room for Friday night all situated, look forward to seeing you guys on Saturday.
  18. Start time will probably be around 10-10:30am. I believe reks PM'd all those who he thought would be interested but feel free to contact them again to see if they are coming.
  19. Finally had some time to give Enchant a try, very good stuff I'm impressed. Thanks for the recommendation.
  20. It's possible that there was something wrong with that pair of O2's but I think it's more likely that it was a bad/dying tube in the 007t.
  21. Here's a direct link: http://www.slimdevices.com/pi_transporter.html Yeah that looks intersting. Good choice by them to use the AK4396, it's probably the best delta-sigma dac around. I wonder if the output stage is something discrete or just an after thought op-amp -> output capacitor type setup.
  22. No need I have them and zipped them already for anyone that wants it: http://head-case.org/Emilie_Autumn-Enchant.zip
  23. Hirsch, how about the bass? I always felt the old version of the DT880 was a little thin and lacked impact.
  24. If you've heard the older DT880 how do they compare to the 2006 version?
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