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Everything posted by KrypticMind

  1. Okay, so I have this kind of weird problem. Sometimes, the sound goes out on my 717. It just disappears when I'm playing a game or listening to music. I can turn it off for a few minutes, and the sound returns after I turn it back on. Is it overheating? The top of the amp feels pretty hot when the sound goes out. Any explanation for this and how to prevent it from happening?
  2. They're still around $200-300 these days, and once every blue moon, there's one in decent condition that's under $200. Gotta check pretty often though. They only come up like once a month, but they seem to be getting rarer. On a side note, I'm tempted to sell my 5NBs that I bought from mypasswordis as they've been getting zero action ever since the O2 came in. They really helped when I was going through my "imbalanced sigs" phase where every sig I was hearing/buying was imbalanced. Kept me sane, to say the least.
  3. I can see this catching on with preteen girls...
  4. With pics? Everyone loves some softcore Stax.
  5. Sold two imbalalanced sigs, but not my pros. Every sig I've listened to is imbalanced...
  6. Silly me. I could've sworn I quoted Dusty.
  7. That's a good point, but when it happens in every single FPS (anything from Valve, Epic Games, the makers of Battlefield, etc) I play, I think it's a good chance it's the phone's problem. The 007Mk1 and Lambda Pros portray more realistic distances, but the AD2000 has an edge in sounds coming from above and below. Sold my AD2000 a few months ago, so this is from memory. The left/right thing bugged the crap out of me, though. It was their main problem for me.
  8. They weren't the best for gaming. Playing first person anything, I could pinpoint where sounds were coming from very well so it had good imaging, but the distance from which they were coming from was off. IIRC, sounds from the left and right were abnormally close compared to sound coming from in front of you.
  9. Play music through them for a few days and see if that fixes it.
  10. I posted this on the other forum, but does anyone need a pair of channel imbalanced Lambda Sigs?
  11. Yeah, I was told they need to be left playing music to charge for a while because of some electret effect where there's a parasitic charge on the driver that makes it lose sensitivity. Or something. Spritzer made it sound a lot smarter. Oh, and thanks mypasswordis. Look what you've done to me, haha.
  12. It's correctly set this time. My other Stax 'phones don't have the problem, so I think it's just this particular 'phone. After a couple days of music, I think I'm starting to hear progress. The center of music went from far right to middle far right. Logically, the center should be centered soon. On a side note... Who's Peter?
  13. Lab report and and midterm tomorrow. Hooray.
  14. Just picked up a pair of Lambda Sigs. Sounds like they haven't been used in a while since I got all of this staticy sound in the left side, which slowly died in the next few hours. Now they seem to have a little channel imbalance with the left being a little quieter, so I'm leavin' them on 'till they fix themselves, hopefully.
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