his week I acquired a sennheiser HE60 but it has some issues concerning the left channel. Let me explain:
First time I put it on I encountered the stax fart, it was very noticable. Whenever I flick the left ear cup, the buzzing/tizzing noises alters frequency, amplitude or volume etc. Its not a constant sound. And whenever I move my jaws the noises change aswell. Whenever I push the earcup ever so slightly towards my head it farts. Even if I flick the left earcup with my fingers gently the driver makes a 'pop'. the right driver only does this at a much higher force. I have had a HE60 in the past and I did not have any issues like these.
Does anyone have answers regarding this and on how to solve this, is it dust, is it an electrical connection inside the earcup that is loose? Or is the driver simply busted?