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About ameyer17

  • Birthday 08/17/1985

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  1. I'm guessing he's calling me a dick. Not like I don't deserve that.
  2. PA2V2: LM4881 http://www.electric-avenues.com/audio8.html
  3. Personally, I prefer the Altec-Lansing iM716 to the e4 because of the bass factor, the e4 was just absolutely pathetic, bass-wise . I suspect I wasn't getting a good seal on the e4 though.
  4. Jahn, you're pretty much right.. That said, looks like head-fi is down again, maybe to erase every bit of evidence I ever existed. EDIT: and it's back up
  5. Yeah, pretty much. Here's how my thought process went... 1) hmm, jude's company makes spyware 2) sweet, something to nail the bastard on 3) posts about it
  6. I don't know what I want anymore. All I know is that head-fi's administration moderates way too heavily and unevenly. I guess this was my stupid way of striking back. If they ban me they ban me. EDIT: I really didn't intend to post jude's personal info, I just meant to post my (false as it turns out) revelation about what jude's company does. The personal info getting posted was an unfortunate consequence of my stupidity. EDIT #2: And I really don't care if anyone cares.
  7. In the interest of full disclosure, http://whois.domaintools.com/ameyer17.com
  8. I was tired and didn't do all the research I should have (clicking on the first google link for jude's company and spyware would have done the trick). That said, I think I did many things that should have gotten me banned, so I don't know why I haven't been banned. I'm almost afraid to ask.
  9. well, there was a little more to my blog post than that... I made some accusations regarding jude that were untrue (like that the company that Jude runs makes spyware, they don't, they just do tracking cookies which despite what all the anti-spyware people say tracking cookies are not as bad as spyware IMO).
  10. If I may ask this, could someone with power lock this and make it disappear. I feel so shitty.
  11. I believe you're correct. I wasn't thinking and even the blog post is gone (completely voluntatrily). I feel really bad and am glad I wasn't banned. I honestly don't know why I wasn't.
  12. hmm... that is bizarre that my thread disappeared . Oh well.
  13. Theoretically, you guys could find a reason in the TOS if you wanted to ban me, head-fi does it all the time
  14. maybe it will, maybe it won't. I probably shouldn't have posted anything anywhere but too late it seems. And I'm prepared to get banned (here and at head-fi) if that is the way things turn out
  15. http://ameyer17.com/?p=4 head-fi thread while it lasts: http://www6.head-fi.org/forums/showthread.php?t=186991
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