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High Rollers
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Everything posted by JBLoudG20

  1. It was on my mind now, so rather than forget, I just ordered them.
  2. Customized 'I Love You' candies from Sugar Sugar for Valentines Day.
  3. No you noob, its the little brother to the Beta Deuce Deuce
  4. JBLoudG20


    I was thinking the same thing.
  5. You got PM
  6. A whole list of crap, mostly centering around the fact that I was paying more than 50% off retail, so real customers come first. Plus, we had contact issues, until I resolved it.
  7. I can't see anyone better for his role.
  8. Why? I think hes pretty good on that show.
  9. Officially: Kef iQ9. Finally got the mess worked out with Kef America. I *should* see them tomorrow.
  10. Goodfellas- HD-DVD
  11. Yeah I said the a500 cause its the cheapest of the bunch.
  12. Depends where you are from, I guess. Its not uncommon to hear Tomato Pie in New Haven.
  13. Optical drives are getting old. I don't know the last time I used the optical drive in any of my computers. I have 4GB flash sticks, which are faster, and easier to use.
  14. Fucking fanboy. Listen to grawk. They will both work just fine. Your best bet is to use each of them, and see which feels mroe comfortable. That will likely be the one that will give you a better image. I have very big hands, and I found the Nikon to be uncomfortable for me. My RebelXT with battery grip is sufficient, but I would really like to move to a 30D/40D as it fits my hands even better.
  15. The VTG's signature is not very close to the ES7, but it seems like its closer than the W5k. I have a feeling the new A900Ti (is that new one you got Dusty?) will be similar, but that is just based on some impressions I have read about it. Why don't you get an A500, and have someone to a driver swap? I'd be interested to do it/hear the results. Also I want my VTG back so badly.
  16. May 11
  17. hire me already.
  18. All the local stations were saying 15inches + for here in CT, but I know better than to listen to them. NOAA said 3-5, and we actually got just about 3"
  19. I doubt the W5k is what he wants. The ES7 has some bloated bass.
  20. JBLoudG20

    fucking crap

    Remember it IS winter, when static is highest. I get shocked by my shit fairly regularly. Keeps life interesting.
  21. Ditto. I miss mine so much, I think I might save to build another.
  22. Yup. I bought both pairs of my velours form headroom. A bit more expensive, but I at least get them withing the next year or so.
  23. x2
  24. Ditto. I bought another pair of velour pads for my 271 even before I got them. I won't use pleather pads, too uncomfortable for me.
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