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High Rollers
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Everything posted by JBLoudG20

  1. Thanks Lara Darling. Thanks Reskypoo Thanks NateDogg Thanks Dan. My Kef's love me. Thank You, boyfriend. Happy birthday to you too! Thanks everyone! You are all invited to come over to my apartment for pong tonight! (Maybe I'll take pics of the madness). I had to get up early for a doctor's appointment today, and on the hour drive back, I caught the end of the 'Old School Block' on the local Rap station. They played all the shit I listened to in Middle/High School. :'(
  2. x2 :prettyprincess: :prettyprincess: :prettyprincess: Weaksauce
  3. Ian and I keep our relationship on the down low
  5. The Office: The Pilot Deleted Scenes Michael: (introducing camera to Pam) This is Pam. Every man in the office has sprayed Pam.
  6. This sounds like an advertisement for a pyramid scheme.
  7. JBLoudG20

    K1000 = hope

    I sold my W3000 for ym speakers. So fucking worth it in every way.
  8. Groceries
  9. Sorry I missed it. Hope a lot of fun was had! I volunteer to host the next one!
  10. Fixed that for you.
  11. Speakers FTW
  12. So you'll stop bumping old ass threads that everyone stopped caring about?
  13. also: http://cgi.ebay.com/Denon-DVD-2900-DVD-Player-Progressive-Scan-SCAD-NR_W0QQitemZ300191878732QQihZ020QQcategoryZ15077QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem
  14. :rofl: :dance: :prettyprincess: :prettyprincess: DAN :prettyprincess: :prettyprincess: :prettyprincess:
  15. Mine are just laying on a shelf.
  16. You should have just talked to me.
  17. Time to purchase a real headphone.
  18. (> 'vv')> nomnomnomnom
  19. 10 Atomic Wings, 15 Cajun BBQ
  20. I had a Pepperjack Burger (medium) with fries at Red Rock (local bar/restaurant).
  21. Yes please. Let me know how much it costs.
  22. 2470M9701 miniXLR Socket and cover 2470Z2401 made in austria badge
  23. Want to help me get one fucking part then?
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