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High Rollers
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Everything posted by JBLoudG20

  1. He hasn't been getting bashed enough lately. Let's get on it.
  2. For the record, Todd, I wasn't taking a shot at you or your staff. I should have worded that differently
  3. If you are that worried about PS2 games, get the 40GB and a PS2. Run you about the same $$$
  4. that is exactly what I was saying when they first messed with the post settings of the Fs forum. The reply was: it was not possible.. but I knwo for a fact I have done it on my SMF board.
  5. I would really have been interested if it would work on Verizon's service. I love me an all-in-one gadget! I went from ma RAZR with a Dell Axim, with a Zen Vision:M... to a Treo with an ipod nano. The treo is one of my best buys ever, since I can't remember where I left my head if I don't write it down. I found I would never take my PDA with me, and it kinda defeated the purpose. Now that I have my PDA in my phone, I always have it.
  6. That is what I do with my treo. I'm not usually caring if I scratch my stuff up: it just means it is loved. I also find I tend to take a bit more care of the things I do with it, when I don't have it cased up in armor.
  7. The more that the little shit posts, the more I am convinced he is Jagwire.
  8. Why don't you stop posting here and go check?
  9. Happy Birthday!
  10. 389 shipped I sold my 271, and had some cash around.. I've been dying to play with one, so I just figured, fuck it. It's an early present to myself for somethign that I don't want to say or I'll jinx it.
  11. I am absolutely in love with the media center capabilities. If they would only add support for FLAC, I'd be in heaven.
  12. Asus eeePc 4G Surf 1GB Corsair DDR2 667 2GB Kingston SD Card
  13. UT3 FTW
  14. It's still not worth it, unless we get to 'mosh'
  15. YAY NATE!
  16. If I ended up at a concert with you there, I'd be prone to violence as well.
  17. Vicki
  18. Welcome, fuckface.
  19. Wah
  20. No he's not, fuckface.
  21. no love for Nate
  22. I use it for anything that does not get turned in (paper copy), mostly because I have so many computers that I can't keep track of what computer I did work on.
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