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Everything posted by JBLoudG20

  1. Man I hate that shit. I have a phobia of touching other people's keyboards.
  2. I had a major snafu with my taxes this year, and had about $7k come back to me. I am in a very comfortable position for move out time, and want to build a great bang-for-buck system to use at my desk. Now I'll be watching for a Denon 2900 steal to round it out. Oh yeah, here is the auction: http://translate.google.com/translate?u=http://page18.auctions.yahoo.co.jp/jp/auction/k117025985&hl=en&langpair=ja|en&tbb=1&ie=EUC-JP Minty fresh!
  3. What can I say? They are one of my favorites, and I have sellers remorse every time I let them go. I have a little bit of spare cash right now, so I'm rebuilding a headphone rig for when I move out in the near future. I was contemplating k702, HD650, AD2k (on the very upper high end of what I an afford), but when it came down to it, I knew I'd rather have the VTG again. The hunt began...
  4. VTG Craig and I sniped a pair on Y! Japan. I really shouldn't spend the money, but for the price, I'm happy I won.
  5. Sorry my graduation isn't for another 3-4 years But my girlfriend/future fiance graduated with her masters in physical therapy this year.
  6. You you have the 2133 series, or the 1000 series?
  7. I already have the money put aside
  8. Mike, If you do ever sell it, I'd love a crack at it!
  9. Assuming your apartment building won't bring in 50bajillion hits a day, you can piggyback the server I have from 1&1 if want.
  10. I'll wait for impressions and pictures. If its a wood/metal hybrid with a leather band, I'll probably bite.
  11. Are a congrats in order?
  12. I wouldn't be interested at all, but the HF-1 seems to have quite a following around here, and I'd love to have gotten in at the $200 mark. Time to whore myself. Aww who am I kidding, I couldn't even sell to aerius.
  13. x2
  14. The both of you, classic. Lovedonahill is 2-2 today.
  15. Well what I actually meant was: given limited amount of time, with too much to do, what assignments should be given priority and the most time spent as to maximize the return. I learned that pulling all nighters to finish a signals ans systems homework wasn't worth it, when it would mess up the following day when I would have to study for an exam.
  16. I totally agree. By my junior year, I had figured out which assignment were the ones to blow off, and which ones you focus all your time on.
  17. I had meh grades in undergrad, for various reasons. I dont regret it one bit, and it hasn't proved detrimental to me one bit. There needs to be a balance between fun and work. My g/f (fiance in a few weeks, jeez thats weird to say) graduated cum laude, and regrets not having more fun.
  18. I can't say I've had a lot of experience with ceramics, but is the hardened material strong enough to take abuse?
  19. As with all your blanket statements, that's not always the case.
  20. I've been at me school for what, 6 years now? I miss the early years, mostly just the fact that all my friends are withing a 2 mile radius at all times. If I wanted to hang out and have fun, I'd go hang out at my suite, where 6 of my best friends lived. If I wanted to work, I'd go to one of the Engineering buildings. There was always something fun to do. Nowadays, I have a one hour commute to the school. I spend 12-16 hours a day in my lab, where I am the only American in a research group of 9. The others can barely hold a technical conversation in english, nevermind a casual conversation where there exists both a language and a cultural barrier. Undergrad was fun, for the last two years. Grad school, not fun, but should pay off more in the future.
  21. Who gives a fuck, there were 20+ people in the car.
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