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High Rollers
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Everything posted by JBLoudG20

  1. Wah
  2. Not that I know of. I'm all ears, though.
  3. I'm about to go play for a bit
  4. Yeah they do
  5. heh. I jumped in a free-for-all just for you. Man I hate that. Too few people. Level up so we can play groundwar! Big team battles and either team deathmatch or Domination. <3
  6. Happy Birthday, Dad!
  7. Heh, I usually play Big team domination, but you guys cant access that yet . I think it comes soon though, so hurry up
  8. Did you send me a friend request?
  9. I was just playing, representing the OG's.
  10. Shit Matt, I forgot! Happy Belated Birthday! And Happy Birthday for tomorrow, so I won't forget!
  11. nate you must buy a ps3. We need you on the clan, you can build us some bombs and shit cause you are MOT
  12. Not to play with us, but you need to be level (I dont remember, 9 maybe?) to use the clan tag. Just add me as a friend, and when we are online, add us to your party, then we can play with you.
  13. Done and Done. [hcOG]JBLoudG20 checking in Also, ojnihs, send me a friend invite. Same name.
  14. I'm going to add some fanboyism to the mix, and recommend some Kef iQ7's and a Denon Receiver. Should stay wihtin your budget
  15. On the contrary, that's why we keep women around
  16. how about [hcOG] for Head-Case OG's
  17. Nope limited to 4 characters
  18. I'm about to check if [fukyall] is valid
  19. I've just been using the controller. I'm used to it, so I don't have a problem with it.
  20. Oh snap. Hurry and level up.. and think of a clan tag .. I'm thinking [AT] or [AKG] or [fukyall] or [boom] or [pp] (for pretty princess)
  21. When I use one, I use my phone headset.
  22. Don't worry about it Jack. You get the hang of it pretty quickly. Hurry and level up so we can form our clan to dominate the world.
  23. JBLoudG20


    Good addition.
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