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High Rollers
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Everything posted by JBLoudG20

  1. Fantastic
  2. He's too young to have a beer, and has the typical teenager 'I'm always right' attitude.
  3. It's referred to as 'trolling'.
  4. You see? Too bad we didn't get to play at crash, I love that map.
  5. Def. That first game was weak. Moar groundwar!
  6. Ugh, to say I had an off night would be an understatement.
  7. Number 1: sweet jesus that was hilarious swt: jagbag, omg Second: Damn nate, what the hell? Sorry about that crap.
  8. Nah we bust his balls.
  9. That is definitely Billy, so fire away.
  10. I play groundwar. They are big team games, including domination and team deathmatch. Yes make a custom class, its a big help.
  11. 19 here.. Just one more level to the M60E4
  12. It'll be easier than cluttering up other threads, just to post our chit chat about the clan in here. Tonight, we are trying to play at 8pm EST.
  13. You may have missed: We are trying to play at 8pm EST tonight.
  14. Let's see, I'd be in for 8pm EST. I have work to do, though, so not too long.
  16. Done, let me burn them in for a few months, then I'll let you know how it worked.
  17. Sweet deal. I might play a bit tonight, don't know yet.
  18. Nice one, captain obvious.
  19. How many rings should I add to my k240 to make them sound like R10's?
  20. Fucking moron, we don't want nenso there. Luckily though, I have enough power to instaban that fucker. And I'll do it.
  21. Def. I love Planet Earth.
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