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Everything posted by JBLoudG20

  1. Jay-Z Kingdom come, and American Gangster. Do a britney/christina shootout Or def the greatest possible choices: Daft Punk: homework and discovery. I could write novels on those albums.
  2. Jay-Z black album, Beatles White Album, dangermouse grey album to tie it all in as one big happy family.
  3. Next week...
  4. Sorry for the shitty pics, I don't care enough to take them again. I'm really impressed with the quality for $40.
  5. All great albums.
  6. I live in a 'shitty' apartment that is about 15 minutes from campus. It is a two bedroom, approx 700sq. foot apartment. Rent alone is $900. Electricity runs about $350/month. We'll leave out the cable bill and internet for arguments sake. That's 1250 just to live in this apartment, which is CHEAP CHEAP CHEAP for an apartment around here.
  7. Bingo. I'm from 'rich' CT. The government poverty line is a joke, with the cost of living here. As for healthcare: Currently my parents have to pay to cover a family of 3, just so the two of them are covered. I am ineligible as a full time student (even though before their rule change I would have been covered for 2 more years), and I am on a laughable student plan. If anything were to happen to me, I'd be fucked bill wise, not to mention how expensive my plan is. So my family has to pay for care for 4 people (although my student plan costs even MORE than it would if I were on the normal plan), and we get equivalent coverage for 2. I can also say that my coverage alone, runs about 350/month. Sure we have the money to cover it and live happily, but I think it swrong that we are getting raped by our coverage.
  8. If you insist...
  9. JBLoudG20

    Flash Gordon

    They will cut off your testicles with a rusty knife if you don't watch again.
  10. JBLoudG20

    Flash Gordon

  11. Good addition.
  12. Jacob, what does teh touch have, that puts it above the PDA's you had (assuming they were full fledged PDA's... ipaq, axim, etc. likely running windows mobile). I'm just curious, is all.. I found my axim to be great for everything except SSH and long bouts of typing.
  13. The last I read: apple was limiting what the SDK would enable application developers to do. I'd have to play around with the Touch/iphone more, but from my past experience with the Dell Axim, I'm pretty sure I wouldn't be happy with one for a 'pseudo' laptop replacement. The eee is a pretty good match, so far. For general, important email checks, or directions, etc... my Treo is a perfect fit, and anyhting more than that, (like general browsing of HC, blogging, etc...) I want more than that, and that is the niche that the eee has fell into so far. Plus, I love watching movies on it. My zen did the same thing, but small screen, and not having all my movies in the correct format was a PITA. I'm not a fan of having to reencode crap an hour before I want to watch it. On the eee, I have VLC, which will pay just about anything under the sun.
  14. jack with the burn.
  15. At the cost of a larger footprint? No way in hell, they should have shoehorned it into the existing case.
  16. If I was given the opportunity, I would likely take it. However, I don't really see that I'll have an extra say >$100k to spend on something like that. Plus, by the time I'd even be able to think of affording it, I'll either already have kids, or be pretty damn close to fatherhood. I wouldn't really want to take a risk like that at that point.
  17. Its just stupid if they release it at that price.
  18. I bet it won't have one iota of an effect on them.
  19. I never said don't give them the money, you assumptionmaker.
  20. Just get it off a torrent site?
  21. I had zero issues with the FLAC Version fron STMusic
  22. It is now moving into full size laptop price, with a crappy processor, and limited storage. For the price they are talking: 499 Euros=$750 I'll pass. Hopefully that isn't the real price. Also, with teh size of the current bezel, they should have wedged the 8.9" in there, without making the case any bigger.
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