If it was rek's breadbox, it would come infested with AIDS, and 6year old moldy bagels inside. A week later it would be home to a family of cockroaches. One month later it would spontaneously combust, leaving the roaches searching for a new home. They would finally settle inside the Theils, and reproduce. Two more weeks later, when rek's system stoprs working for the 13th time, he would pull a driver out to see that roaches ate the entire crossover network. This in turn, led to a short in the wiring, and it fried his brand new Power Amplifier. But the deisgner of the amplifier was through a roundabout connection actually Ray Samuels. Rather than a fuse blowing, the fail safe was to dump 120V onto the RCA inputs, thereby frying the Capitole. The capitole didn't know how to react, and in an effort to save itself, blew its fuse. The previous owner didn't know the capitole needed fast-acting fuses, so he installed slow-blows instead. Since the fuse didn't react fast enough, the circuit breaker popped, when the new iMac was in the middle of a BIOS update, rendering the computer a fancy new paperweight.