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Everything posted by JBLoudG20

  1. Welcome to HC, Wayne. Sorry about your thin skin/back of the head/liver.
  2. Fuck. I'm fighting the desire to order them. My VTG comes in tomorrow, maybe that will hold me off?
  3. Thanks guys. All in all it was a pretty good day. Right now im leeching free wifi, waiting for her to wake up. I'll prolly hop in the shower soon, go grab some breakfast, then get ready for a day at the beach
  4. Went to Block Island. Proposed :-D Waiting for the fiance to finish showering, then dinner, bar, sleep. Beach tomorrow.
  5. I'm giving serious thought to grabbing a pair right now.
  6. Yeah she has her new album, Far, coming out in June, I believe. I have it preordered at Amazon.
  7. Well that's how I look at it, and for the most part, I'm not willing to do the programming needed. Personal stuff, I like to keep simple. I do enough pita computer work as it is. But, of course, if a few years worth of financial info was on the line, I'd surely program my way out of a box.
  8. I'm sitting at the Relay for Life now. I'll be here about midnight, then again at 6 am tomorrow.
  9. I really like Yep, at the moment. I downloaded it and scanned the receipt from the engagement ring. Using jpeg files, the resultant file was 1.9MB Using the PDF that Yep made (using TWINE), the resultant file was 520kB. about 4x smaller, and still in an 'open' format: PDF. This means even if the developers of Yep stop supporting it, the files can still be used in the future. It also organizes them in a folder structure according to date, which means my rsync backup scripts will copy over all my files, and they will still have some sort of organization. This makes it easier to sort through it all, should somehting happen to my mac HD, or if yep dies. Can you tell I'm paranoid about file loss, and shy away from proprietary software? I've been burned in the past with important data kept in proprietary software. The software was abandoned, no loner functioning, and I lost all the stuff I put into it. I'd hate to see that happen with financial data. Thanks for the referral, Monkeyman!
  10. JBLoudG20

    CanJam 2009

    You look like you are straight out of the 70's
  11. I'll check it out, thanks. The thing I like about using EXIF data, is its universal. I can access those files on my Linux machines (every other computer I use, besides my Mac), and I feel less worried about being locked into software.
  12. I should add this is on a Mac, and I'm not all that interested in installing some weird one-off programs. Right now, exif comments seem to be a decent solution. For PDF conversion, gscan2pdf is working great. The PDF conversion is mainly for work related stuff, which I only use Linux for.
  13. I have not had good success with OCR, and it needs to be 100% reliable. I don't want to have to check every single image file created for every little detail. Just an image is all I need. These will be receipts, which get subjected to the usual wear and tear of a paper receipt.
  14. A Canon LIDE 200 scanner. Need to scan research papers and convert to PDF, as well as the added organization of going paperless with receipts, etc. Dinny, have you found a good solution for 'tagging' your scanned files? Right now I started using the EXIF data of jpg files for keywords from each receipt.
  15. Congrats, Ian!
  16. JBLoudG20

    CanJam 2009

    Win. I LOLed
  17. JBLoudG20

    CanJam 2009

    Gee thanks, Dan.
  18. JBLoudG20

    CanJam 2009

    No possible way. Relay for life tomorrow -> saturday. Saturday I pickup the engagement ring, and Sunday I leave for Block Island where I am proposing. Maybe next year
  19. JBLoudG20

    CanJam 2009

    Damn I want to be there so bad.
  20. I really see it this way: can different cables sound different? Yes. Is it because of the material used? Yes and no. Say there was a way to equalize the measurable aspects: I.e. ensure that given two different cables, the impedance, capacitance, cross-talk, RF shielding, etc. are all consistant, and the ONLY differences are the type of metal conductor used. This is likely impossible, but let's assume for a moment it is true, I'd like to belive these cables would sound exactly the same. Since this is not the case, i.e. physical characteristics differ, it is not accurate to say "silver sounds brighter than copper". More, the physical characteristics of the silver cable (be it geometry, material characteristics, etc) cause it to sound brighter. This is in an ideal situation, where the differences can be perceived. I believe its another debate entirely between the differences existing, and the differences being heard. My stance on cables: quality components with quality construction. I don't find much need for more than mogami with canare RCAs.
  21. I randomly woke up at 5am. Wtf indeed. I don't normally get up until 9 or so.
  22. I have to pickup my engagement ring, and I have a Relay for Life fri->sat Not to mention the monetary issue. Oh well, no biggie.
  23. Have fun, guys/gals. Wish I could be there.
  24. That's quite an impressive itinerary of shipments. Congrats, and enjoy boomy.
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