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High Rollers
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Everything posted by JBLoudG20

  1. I plan on it, after I accumulate enough posts. It's hard to comment when you are just learning about the stuff. I figure I should get the stock one for when I take the intermediate MSF course, wince I doubt they will like haivng to hear my bike the whole time. Even moreso with that fucking D&D on there. human talking < human yelling < lawn mower < chainsaw < My Katana < 747
  2. nate is about to post in the favorite posts from the other site thread.
  3. The stock muffler fell through, and I can't seem to round one up for a decent price, that will fit on my bike without making a trip to an exhaust shop. So I just ordered a Yoshimura RS3 slip on. Louder than stock, but quieter than the D & D on my bike now. Hopefully I'll get that tomorrow along with my frame sliders so I can practice maneuvering outside my house without pissing off the neighbors.
  4. Have a nice bath, Dan.
  5. ROFL I love it.
  6. Your sperm?
  7. x2 I bitch about it every once in a while.
  8. I think my favorite place around here is a simple pizza. Frank Pepe's in New Haven's Wooster Street. Its been a month or so since I've been
  9. Last hting I bought: frame sliders for the aforementioned katana.
  10. I'll be taking the beginners safety course, so I can beat up their 250s instead of my katana. Last hting I bought: frame sliders for the aforementioned katana.
  11. Well considering the bike's top speed is 127 (supposedly) and also considering I wont be taking the bike ont eh highway for a few months, im not too worried about top speed. Fuck it crash a car at 145 and its peace out for you anyway. Shit, i have not heard one single postitive comment about riding a bike. Not just my bike, any bike. It sure makes me apprehensive about all of it, and making me second guess the whole idea. I'll take the course, pass my exam, and then decide if I want to keep it, or just turn it for profit.
  12. I dont even really know if I'm keeping a bike permanently. I got a great price, and for now, I'm learning on it. It IS a quick bike, and I am a noob. but if it came down to having to buy another bike, fuck it. I have a G35 to buy.
  13. Already have two helmets, and I am signed up for the intermediate course.
  14. Nope. First time on th bike today. I've ridden plenty of mopeds and the like before, but nothing with power like this. Took a bit to get used to the clutch not being at my left foot, but damn I cannot stand the pipe that is on there right now.
  15. Thanks. I also just bought a GSXR 1000 OEM muffler. That fucking D & D on there is about 50db too loud for my liking. I have to yell above the bike at idle. I suppose I should also add I bought a tecknik riding jacket and gloves too.
  16. 2001 Suzuki Katana 600
  17. Audio Technica CM700ti for work.
  18. The office is the only show that I will purposely leave a night free in my week for. I don't usually plan my life around a TV show, but it warrants it.
  19. For a budget of 2500, I'd check out the Northstar.
  20. and one can be 100% certain Jim would go with her. Hmm, I wonder what they have up their sleeves.
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