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High Rollers
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Everything posted by JBLoudG20

  1. I don't give fuck less, what do I think of success? It sucks.
  2. Ah but kids provide you a new subject to shoot
  3. Kids = Less money and time for hobbies.
  4. If the restaurant is worth it, then I'll wait. For example, to hit up Pepe's on a friday night usually means a good 1.5-2 hour wait. But so worth it.
  5. Nearly an hour? Is that not long down there? One restaurant I go to occasionally: it regularly has a 3 hour wait. We usually call ahead, and only have to wait about an hour and a half tops, though.
  6. We might take our yearly trip to Block Island, but that is not set in stone. Half the appeal of Block was riding aroudn the mopeds all day cause I love it. But I just bought a bike
  7. I have more important things I should spend the money on. Music will come in time.
  8. I'm so tempted to just drop like $100 on musics...
  9. You're not my friend, Guy!
  10. Happy birthday!
  11. Total time logged in: 53 days, 18 hours and 11 minutes.
  12. It's hard to get new music when you don't have an income for a few years. What little money you make, goes to more important things. Another benefit of having discs: When I get home, I really don't feel like booting my computer just to listen to a disc or two.
  13. Does anyone have a good CD-buying promotion? In the relatively near future I would like to buy hard copies of my favorite discs. I guess I could just burn the flac that I have, but I'm finally in a position that I can afford to BUY music.
  14. Careful it doesn't set your house on fire.
  15. Whoops sorry for the multiple posts..
  16. Its a distinct possibility. Assuming you want to reference ground, one possibility for error that I can think of would be psu's which have a virtual ground. 2426, or cap referenced.
  17. Yes it will effectively be at 400v, but the voltage potential at that point will still be 400v when referenced to the top supplies' rails. Same for the lower supply. So when you reference the top supply's + and the lower supplies gnd, the potential is 800v. I'm sure Kevin can chime in to decide if it is a better approach though, luvdunhill
  18. OO thanks Nate. I like a bit of noise, so I don't mind an aftermarket pipe, if its within reason. My G20 has the largest magnaflow I could fit on it. Nice tone while not being overly loud and obnoxious. I want the same on the bike, but I want to keep a stockie around just in case.
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