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High Rollers
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Everything posted by JBLoudG20

  1. I love the town I'm from, and the town I work in is almost exactly the same. Win all around, especially in about 9 months when its time to move here.
  2. Hey now, we have... Very high cost of living, taxes, gas prices, # of white people... Why even live here to begin with? Oh yeah, we're all rich
  3. VVA to the rescue.
  4. They are all the same to us down here.
  5. Your definition of inexpensive and mine are very different. What price range are you looking for? If you are talking like under $250 cheap, I can probably be persuaded to get rid of my MSB. Link II.
  6. Heh. Let me break my Katana first
  7. X gon give it to the world. Man, call me if you want to talk. Or text. All Day. While I'm at work.
  8. The few I've made sound fantastic.
  9. I got up, took a shower (naked). Got dressed, ate a bowl of oatmeal, brushed my teeth, drove to work, and sat at my desk. I'm kinda working right now.
  10. There was just a nice little comparison on one of my bike forums. I didn't do that math, so I don't speak for it. However, given the current gas prices, one would have to drive the prius for 112k miles before the break even point would be reached, when compared to a similarly speced gas powered corolla.
  11. Can I meet your bike permanently?
  12. New England is win. Especially in the fall.
  13. I think I'll pass. I put about 100 miles on it this weekend. I need to adjust the clutch today, as I noticed its a bit tight. Man this was a good buy.
  14. There are saying that we should be hitting $5 within the next few weeks. Great time to get a 55MPG commuter!
  15. Weak. These are my Demands: 1. Nate must be present 2. Ian must be present 3. Some sort of teleporter must be available to allow for #4 4. I must ride up there meaning no cargo space 5. Profit 6. A tour of Magic Hat would be nice 7. Autumn leaves for the bike ride 8. Burritos 9. No rain That about covers them all.
  16. Hmm... I bought: Regina Specktor - Begin to Hope Imogen Heap - Speak for Yourself Norah Jones - Not Too Late Norah Jones - Feels Like Home Feist - The Reminder Feist - Let it Die
  17. You know what's fun? Half day fridays. Later all, time to go RIDE. :prettyprincess: :prettyprincess:
  18. Sell tubes, not what we discussed via PM
  19. You have one of them gays on your hands.
  20. Kid a lightweight?
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