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Everything posted by JBLoudG20

  1. JBLoudG20


    I have very large hands, too. That is why a good keyboard was so important to me. For size reference, thumb to pinky my hand span is 10", and I wear a XXXL motorcycle glove.
  2. JBLoudG20


    My problem with the eee's is their keyboard. The new ones are good, but those older ones are terrible to actually use. Plus, the one you posted has my #1 sin of netbooks: the retarded right shift key. I bought my HP mini1000 based on its keyboard. I picked it up right before I had a paper due, and typed it all on the new machine. After the initial adjustment period, I was typing just as good (bad) as I do on any other machine. It passed my test, so I kept it. I use it as my work machine, so I no longer have to go hunting for files on different machines. It has worked out great for me. I'm on it right now, typing this response outside an office where I have a meeting in a few minutes. Its so damn convenient.
  3. Good call.
  4. That is really what I was thinking. Well more toward what the VTG lacks, the Grado house sound has covered very well. I absolutely adore the VTG for female vocal stuff, but a rockout headphone it is not. I'm really leaning toward picking up a pair, at this point.
  5. Well, I knew about the obvious differences Thanks for your thoughts.
  6. Hey Dan, Since you've owned the VTG- How well do you think the HF2 would compliment it?
  7. Took my father's truck to school since UConn po-po hates my car. The truck shat its alternator at about mile 48 of my 52 mile journey. Got a ride to my lab, then got a ride home from my fiance. At home, I started soldering, then waited for my dad to get home, so we could go fetch the truck using multiple charged batteries. He has a new alternator being overnighted to his shop, so I guess I'm swapping an alternator tomorrow.
  8. Thanks for the stories and pics, Al.
  9. I doub't he'll ever start taking orders like this. I'm just giving him a hard time
  10. Should you ever do a pair in quilted maple, we may have to have a talk
  11. HA! We've been dating since 2001. It was time to make the next step, even if the actual wedding won't be for a few years. Realistically, we can't (comfortably) afford it until I finish school, and have a REAL paycheck coming in. My stipends barely cover my own bills as it is. Although it wasn't required by anybody, we wanted to be engaged before moving out.
  12. Thanks. I'm safe for a while, as we can't afford the wedding for a few years.
  13. So is the the male version of a dead vibrator? Dan's new avatar is great.
  14. Thanks. I just Dl'ed it.
  15. My revised ranking: VTG ESW9 ATH-M50 ES7 Super.Fi 5 V2 er6i
  16. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u-MqBxwbeWg
  17. Well I think that's what I meant. They would have needed the probable cause, and unless an uber whiteboy driving home from work was cause, they had nothing on me. They followed me for about 2 miles off campus too, before pulling me over.
  18. No they didn't, and I would not have let them. I know jack about law, but I know THAT is a rights violation. There's nothing in the car anyway, but its the principle.
  19. I'd be happy to sell it for $5-700 if I can find a replacement. I've wanted it off my hands for a while, but why replace that which is not broken?
  20. Heh. I didn't ride my bike today, because I'm afraid of being given shit about my exhaust. I've had this iteration of the G20 for 9 years now. It's a teenager's car, and I wish I could get something newer, but for the time being it will have to do. Unless I start getting all sorts of tickets for it, then it needs to go. This was a warning sign, for me. I want a normal, blend in car I won't be given shit about. My dad is on the hunt now, but it kinda sucks. This car is rock solid 100% reliable, and cost me $400 6 years ago. I've gotten my use out of it, but to replace it will cost a good $5k, and I have payments on the engagement ring now. Bah.
  21. I have decided that I will not be biting. I'll prolly kick myself in a few months, but for the time being, its a good decision.
  22. Yesterday I was pulled over for illegal tints. My tints are 30%, the law is 35. I was the harassed for all sorts of other crap. There was an assault at gunpoint on campus the other day, they were probably just doing their 'detective work', though I'm the wrong ethnicity of the suspect.
  23. Dan and Nate's touchiness
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