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High Rollers
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Everything posted by JBLoudG20

  1. JBLoudG20


    Why bother trolling here? You know you are just going to get removed from existence.
  2. Hey, accidents happen all the time. You may go in for a simple appendectomy, and come out with a penis. Hey, it could happen. Happy Father day to all those blessed with little ones.
  3. I haven't gotten around to all of them yet, but I have enjoyed the stray and unter null ones so far. I acquired about 15 or so new albums last week, so I am slowly digesting them Thanks again. I have a few on the duckett for you.
  4. That would explain your absence in the WAYLT thread. Go find my multiple 'WHERE IAN' posts.
  5. Now just wait until you hear some Kef's
  6. X2 Billy and I have had our share of spats, but at hen end of the day, we are both music lovers. Also, anybody who take take the onslaught he has, and still hang around here, they are a ok in my book. But then again, I'm an asshat, so take that with a grain of salt
  7. ignore function
  8. How in the he'll do you compare me to the rest of the asshats we have had here? What are you basing this on? Heh, welcome to my shitlist.
  9. a lot of asshattery in here there is.
  10. Yay papa Nate! she's beautiful!!! Congrats again!
  11. PICS NOW, papa nate.
  12. dinner last night with my girlfriend. We ate at a local italian place in Springfield. I had scallops Fra diavlo. It was good, but a bit salty, that really hit me toward the end of the meal.
  13. I'd suggest rolling it into the trash.
  14. I preferred the old software asthetically, but I think I was just used to it. I'm sure this can be great, if not better Also, any chance of the warning that a new post has been made while typing your reply?
  15. Dammit I lost my dog avatar. The actual picture it self. I think I use it in a few other forums though, so all might not be lost.
  16. Ah thank you good sir. Ok people, move along. p.s. bring back pretty.
  17. But doesn't this bring you to the last post in the thread?
  18. No, I mean a link to the new posts in the thread. For example, I saw there were posts in here. I clicked the thread, and I had to scroll through all the old posts. The SMF would bring me right to the first post that I had not read.
  19. Todd, Could you please implement a 'view new post' feature, or is it already here? I hate having to scroll through threads, re-reading the stuff I already read.
  20. Salary w/o overtime
  21. ZZZZzzzzz
  22. Work is good. I jut work 9 hours/day the rest of the week, so I get Fridays half off
  23. Note: googling for ears cut off images wasn't very fun.
  24. HAHA. Well... I get to stop working?
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