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High Rollers
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Everything posted by JBLoudG20

  1. Heh. Keep that shit off HC servers. We don't want the tkam behind bars.
  2. Papa Nate, the communist, said I should save it. The last thing I really wanted to buy was the trips, so I think I'll just pad my bank account. Or motorcycle boots
  3. Yesterday I pulled the trigger on the Triple.Fi. I was able to net it for $280 BNIB from an authorized retailer. This was done by taking advantage of a promotion to get a free D-Jay, and selling them to net $50. Then with the sale of other 'phones, I managed to pull out with only $130 missing from my pocket. Then if i take into account the few cable deals I picked up to help finance this purchase, they are really only costing me about $75. Considering I expected to drop all of my $400 stimulus check on them, I think I did pretty well My savings account is happy.
  4. Heh. Nice deal yesterday.
  5. Give her beer. Kids love beer.
  6. Are you sure that isn't the forum software? Then again I ahve been running the beta for a while, so it may be FF3
  7. Oh hell no. If my parents charged me rent, I'd be out lickety split. Grawk: My parents let me do my thing, so I don't have a real problem with being home.
  8. I guess I could move out now, but that would mean no savings. I figure: I knwo my g/f (fiance in about 4 months) and I will be living together when she finishes her masters next may. I don't know where she is working yet. So I might as well wait so we can pick a place together. That leaves me with a year to kill to either a) get my own place, or save half my pay. Saving seems to make sense to me.
  9. I wont say anyhting cause I'll be moving out when I am 25. Gotta wait for the woman to gradiate so I can afford that mansion and a yacht. Or so I can afford my student loan payments and a mortgage payment. Rent is
  10. More of a headache for conventional methods.
  11. Sorry sir.
  12. Not for us enterprising types who came up with an elegant solution to balancing the XLR-laden AKG's, and still retaining detachable cables
  13. Holy shit I thought was was like 40.
  14. They have a replaceable cable, which is a good idea for a studio phone.
  15. Aardvark, how old are you?
  16. I was just about to post this. I like em. A Lot.
  17. You want duet output cable? My suggestion would be to have someone build it for you. Just a simple Canare/Mogami deal is a great cost/performance choice.
  18. Damn it. I have a piece of apple skin stuck between my teeth, and I can't get it out.
  19. Ety ER-20's. Tiesto coming up next week, gotta be prepared. Also Shure Medium soft flex sleeves for the E2c. I hear they fit reasonably well on the Triple.fi, and these sleeves just fit me so well.
  20. Wah.
  21. Ah yes I keep forgetting.
  22. Now the funny is on me!
  23. But you stole my funny. :'(
  24. I could give you a hand if you really wanted to do it
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