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High Rollers
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Everything posted by JBLoudG20

  1. My girlfriend's uncle adopted an old racing greyhound. It's a fantastic dog. Congrats.
  2. TAKE YOUR BIKE Also, Damn I miss NYC. :'(
  3. YAY DOGS RULE CATS DROOL P.S. what kind of dog?
  4. I was supposed to be on the 6th and I have not seen it yet.
  5. Good luck to you both! You're body will thank you later.
  6. I've been looking into them, and I may just pull the trigger with the arrival of my stimulus check. I'd rather have feet than $300 in my savings account.
  7. Do you live in the U.S. and pay income taxes?
  8. That is a big part of it. I think another big role is the American attitude: bigger is better. For years we have had it great with very low gas prices. Shit, I remember when I started driving it used to cost me $17 to fill the tank of my G20. What was that $1.70/gal? Now it costs me $60 to fill that same tank. Take a look at the roads nowadays. At least here the trend is finally starting to move toward smaller cars. There are a LOT more bikes and scooters out now too. It's going to take oil prices reaching record highs for the population to change its demand from big grocery getters with 5.8L hemis, to 1.8L efficient machines. The big companies are just looking for profit, of course. When demand says put a hemi into everything, obviously the big companies will do just that. Its sad, but it's going to take gas prices like we are facing now to get the advances in technology. I paid $4.70/gal yesterday. That's just crazy.
  9. Heh, don't think I don't know this.. I'm a trained EE Well, to be fair, hybrids are more of a rush to get better economy, not the way of the future. My bike still consumes less resources than the typical car, and I only paid $3k for it
  10. Diesel= biodiesel.. mmm french fries power my car.
  11. Bingo. I just read an article not too long ago comparing the prius and the corolla. With a similar feature set, one needed to drive the prius for 120k miles to break even on the initial cost. I believe this was computed at $4.00/gal. Buy a bike 52MPG on the tank I filled yesterday
  12. JBLoudG20

    Speaker Cable

    Duh. Gotta handle vibration control in the cables.
  13. JBLoudG20

    Speaker Cable

    It's time for the bootlegging dept. of VVA to get to work.
  14. But beware of Nate's cable quality as of late: he gets cranky with the soldering iron and melts stuff. Its ok, we still love him.
  15. JBLoudG20

    Speaker Cable

  16. JBLoudG20

    Speaker Cable

    Oh Chris, please be my BFF?
  17. /me says sweet
  18. I was suspect too, but thought twice about the attack
  19. I went to bed at 10:30 and slept like a non-Lily baby until 6:00
  20. Oh yeah how about a '/me' addition like the last software? JBLoudG20 smokes pole
  21. /me claims victory.
  22. Divers and vaulters
  23. Any smiley is better than no smiley, but you MUST know my favorite by now
  24. Umm, what happened to the edit function? I wanted to add a smiley to the last message, and I got nothin.
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