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High Rollers
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Everything posted by JBLoudG20

  1. mmm sweet and sour chicken.
  2. Needs moar cowbell.
  3. But they aren't shitty. I've heard others, but this is all I am willing to spend
  4. Considering I have not heard Staxen, and I highly doubt it is what you are looking for: The fanboy in me must recommend KEF
  5. <3 reks
  6. I love #9, but not necessarily more They are mood dependent.
  7. Dusty==win. I would like to add brutal bitter to the list. And let us not forget DFH: 90min, aprihop.
  8. The SR-80 I had, had a 1/8" jack.
  9. NELLY!
  10. Ah yes now I remember all that drama.
  11. What's there to figure out? She likes me more! j/k hope it all works out for you.
  12. I was just going to ask
  13. 24 June Tuesday Joseph Arthur [Title TBA] EP Dwele Sketches of a Man Calico Horse Mirror Alejandro Escovedo Real Animal Hercules And Love Affair Hercules And Love Affair IAMX Kiss+Swallow US Release Immortal Technique The 3rd World Less Than Jake GNV FLA Nelly Brass Knuckles Safari So Good Every Fight is a Food Fight When You're A Cannibal Sigur Ros Meo suo i eyrum vio spilum endalaust (With a Buzz in Our Ears We Play Endlessly) Sam Sparro Sam Sparro Superchick Rock What You Got Three 6 Mafia Last 2 Walk Steve Tyrell Back to Bacharach Withered Folie Circulaire
  14. We don't know yet, since it hasn't been released. Street prices of the new headphone remain to be seen.
  15. At this rate, Papa Nate will be the attacking zombie.
  16. DOGS RULE Congrats Ian!
  17. Well, you said it can't charge the power cable
  18. That is pretty cool. Doesn't work so well when you don't use windows, though
  19. I am so fucking glad this forum has the ignore feature. All I see is: This message is hidden because Thelonious Monk is on your ignore list. It was the first thing i did after logging into the new software.
  20. 1,000,000 uf = 1 farad.
  21. Hint: electriciy moves at roughly the speed of light. It has nothign to do with the battery not be able to 'charge the line'. Power lines don't charge. Typical car batteries cannot supply the fast, on demand current that a high power car system cam provide. However, these large, electrolytic caps can. My last system pulled 75+ amps at volume. I needed to upgrade the battery, alternator, and still add 4 Farads of stiffening caps to keep my lights from dimming too badly. God what a waste of money.
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